Source code for gws.ext.helper.alkis.util.export

import itertools
import gws.ext.helper.csv
import gws.common.model

import gws
import gws.types as t

A fs structure, as created by our indexer, is deeply nested.
We flatten it first, creating a list 'some.nested.key, list positions, value'
    ...then filter out unwanted keys
    ...then create a product of all list positions, so if there are 3 'lage' lists
    and 2 'eigentuemer' lists, there will be 3x2=6 rows

[docs]class GroupConfig(t.Config): """Export group configuration.""" title: str eigentuemer: bool = False buchung: bool = False dataModel: t.Optional[gws.common.model.Config]
[docs]class Config(t.WithAccess): """CSV Export configuration.""" groups: t.Optional[t.List[GroupConfig]]
# default export groups configuration DEFAULT_GROUPS = [ t.Config( title='Basisdaten', eigentuemer=False, buchung=False, dataModel=t.Config(rules=[ t.Config(source='gemeinde', title='Gemeinde'), t.Config(source='gemarkung_id', title='Gemarkung ID'), t.Config(source='gemarkung', title='Gemarkung'), t.Config(source='flurnummer', title='Flurnummer',, t.Config(source='zaehler', title='Zähler',, t.Config(source='nenner', title='Nenner'), t.Config(source='flurstuecksfolge', title='Folge'), t.Config(source='amtlicheflaeche', title='Fläche', type=t.AttributeType.float), t.Config(source='x', title='X', type=t.AttributeType.float), t.Config(source='y', title='Y', type=t.AttributeType.float), ]) ), t.Config( title='Lage', eigentuemer=False, buchung=False, dataModel=t.Config(rules=[ t.Config(source='lage_strasse', title='FS Strasse'), t.Config(source='lage_hausnummer', title='FS Hnr'), ]) ), t.Config( title='Gebäude', eigentuemer=False, buchung=False, dataModel=t.Config(rules=[ t.Config(source='gebaeude_area', title='Gebäude Fläche', type=t.AttributeType.float), t.Config(source='gebaeude_gebaeudefunktion', title='Gebäude Funktion'), ]) ), t.Config( title='Buchungsblatt', eigentuemer=False, buchung=True, dataModel=t.Config(rules=[ t.Config(source='buchung_buchungsart', title='Buchungsart'), t.Config(source='buchung_buchungsblatt_blattart', title='Blattart'), t.Config(source='buchung_buchungsblatt_buchungsblattkennzeichen', title='Blattkennzeichen'), t.Config(source='buchung_buchungsblatt_buchungsblattnummermitbuchstabenerweiterung', title='Blattnummer'), t.Config(source='buchung_laufendenummer', title='Laufende Nummer'), ]) ), t.Config( title='Eigentümer', eigentuemer=True, buchung=True, dataModel=t.Config(rules=[ t.Config(source='buchung_eigentuemer_person_vorname', title='Vorname'), t.Config(source='buchung_eigentuemer_person_nachnameoderfirma', title='Name'), t.Config(source='buchung_eigentuemer_person_geburtsdatum', title='Geburtsdatum'), t.Config(source='buchung_eigentuemer_person_anschrift_strasse', title='Strasse'), t.Config(source='buchung_eigentuemer_person_anschrift_hausnummer', title='Hnr'), t.Config(source='buchung_eigentuemer_person_anschrift_postleitzahlpostzustellung', title='PLZ'), t.Config(source='buchung_eigentuemer_person_anschrift_ort_post', title='Ort'), ]) ), t.Config( title='Nutzung', eigentuemer=False, buchung=False, dataModel=t.Config(rules=[ t.Config(source='nutzung_a_area', title='Nutzung Fläche', type=t.AttributeType.float), t.Config(source='nutzung_type', title='Nutzung Typ'), ]) ), ]
[docs]def as_csv(target_object: t.IObject, fs_features: t.List[t.IFeature], model: gws.common.model.Object): helper: gws.ext.helper.csv.Object = t.cast( gws.ext.helper.csv.Object, target_object.root.find_first('gws.ext.helper.csv')) writer = helper.writer() writer.write_headers([r.title for r in model.rules]) for fs in fs_features: for rec in _recs_from_feature(fs, model.attribute_names): writer.write_attributes(model.apply_to_dict(rec)) return writer.as_bytes()
def _recs_from_feature(fs: t.IFeature, att_names: t.List[str]): # create a flat list from the attributes of the FS feature flat = list(_flat_walk({ a.value for a in fs.attributes})) # keep keys we need flat = [e for e in flat if any(e['path'].startswith(a) for a in att_names)] # compute max index for each list from 'pos' elements max_index = {} for e in flat: for k, v in e['pos'].items(): max_index[k] = max(max_index.get(k, 0), v) # no lists, return a single record if not max_index: yield {e['path']: e['value'] for e in flat} return # create a record for each combination of list indexes list_keys = max_index.keys() list_ranges = [range(x + 1) for x in max_index.values()] for list_indexes in itertools.product(*list_ranges): matching = [e for e in flat if _indexes_match(e, list_keys, list_indexes)] yield {e['path']: e['value'] for e in matching} def _flat_walk(obj, path=None, pos=None): # create a flat list from a nested fs record # an element of the list is {path, pos, value}, where # path = full key path (joined by _) # pos = {list_name: list_index, ...} if a value is a member of a list # value = element value if isinstance(obj, dict): for k, v in obj.items(): yield from _flat_walk(v, path + '_' + str(k) if path else str(k), pos) return if isinstance(obj, list): for n, v in enumerate(obj): p = dict(pos) if pos else {} p[path] = n yield from _flat_walk(v, path, p) return yield {'path': path, 'pos': pos or {}, 'value': obj} def _indexes_match(flat_elem, list_keys, list_indexes): # check if a flat entry matches the given combination of list positions for k, i in zip(list_keys, list_indexes): p = flat_elem['pos'].get(k) if p is not None and p != i: return False return True