Source code for gws.ext.helper.alkis

import gws
import gws.common.db
import gws.ext.db.provider.postgres
import gws.gis.feature
import gws.gis.shape

import gws.types as t

from .data import index, adresse, flurstueck
from .util import export
from .util.connection import AlkisConnection

[docs]class Config(t.WithType): """ALKIS helper.""" db: str = '' #: database provider ID crs: t.Crs #: CRS for the alkis data dataSchema: str = 'public' #: schema where ALKIS tables are stored, must be readable indexSchema: str = 'gws' #: schema to store gws internal indexes, must be writable excludeGemarkung: t.Optional[t.List[str]] #: Gemarkung (AU) IDs to exclude from search
[docs]class Gemarkung(t.Data): """Gemarkung (Administrative Unit) object""" gemarkung: str #: Gemarkung name gemarkungUid: str #: Gemarkung uid gemeinde: str #: Gemeinde name gemeindeUid: str #: Gemeinde uid
[docs]class Strasse(t.Data): """Strasse (street) object""" strasse: str #: name gemarkung: str #: Gemarkung name gemarkungUid: str #: Gemarkung uid gemeinde: str #: Gemeinde name gemeindeUid: str #: Gemeinde uid
[docs]class StrasseQueryMode(t.Enum): exact = 'exact' #: exact match (up to denormalization) substring = 'substring' #: substring match start = 'start' #: string start match
[docs]class BaseQuery(t.Data): gemarkung: str = '' gemarkungUid: str = '' gemeinde: str = '' gemeindeUid: str = '' strasse: str = '' strasseMode: StrasseQueryMode = ''
[docs]class FindFlurstueckQuery(BaseQuery): withEigentuemer: bool = False withBuchung: bool = False bblatt: str = '' flaecheBis: str = '' flaecheVon: str = '' flurnummer: str = '' flurstuecksfolge: str = '' fsUids: t.List[str] = [] hausnummer: str = '' name: str = '' nenner: str = '' strasse: str = '' vnum: str = '' vorname: str = '' zaehler: str = '' shape: t.IShape = None limit: str = 0
[docs]class FindFlurstueckResult(t.Data): features: t.List[t.IFeature] = [] total: int = 0
[docs]class FindAdresseQuery(BaseQuery): bisHausnummer: str = '' hausnummer: str = '' hausnummerNotNull: t.Optional[bool] kreis: str = '' kreisUid: str = '' land: str = '' landUid: str = '' regierungsbezirk: str = '' regierungsbezirkUid: str = '' strasse: str = '' limit: int = 0
[docs]class FindAdresseResult(t.Data): features: t.List[t.IFeature] = [] total: int = 0
[docs]class FindStrasseQuery(BaseQuery): pass
[docs]class FindStrasseResult(t.Data): strassen: t.List[Strasse]
_COMBINED_FS_PARAMS = ['landUid', 'gemarkungUid', 'flurnummer', 'zaehler', 'nenner', 'flurstuecksfolge'] _COMBINED_AD_PARAMS = ['strasse', 'hausnummer', 'plz', 'gemeinde', 'bisHausnummer'] _COMBINED_PARAMS_DELIM = '_'
[docs]class Object(gws.Object): db: gws.ext.db.provider.postgres.Object has_index = False has_source = False has_flurnummer = False crs = '' connect_args = {} data_schema = '' index_schema = ''
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() = self.var('crs') self.db = t.cast( gws.ext.db.provider.postgres.Object, gws.common.db.require_provider(self, 'gws.ext.db.provider.postgres')) self.index_schema = self.var('indexSchema') self.data_schema = self.var('dataSchema') self.connect_args = { 'params': self.db.connect_params, 'index_schema': self.index_schema, 'data_schema': self.data_schema, 'crs':, 'exclude_gemarkung': self.var('excludeGemarkung') } with self.connect() as conn: if 'ax_flurstueck' in conn.table_names(self.connect_args['data_schema']): gws.log.debug(f'ALKIS sources in "{self.db.uid}" found') self.has_source = True else: gws.log.warn(f'ALKIS sources in "{self.db.uid}" NOT found') if index.ok(conn): gws.log.debug(f'ALKIS indexes in "{self.db.uid}" found') self.has_index = True self.has_flurnummer = flurstueck.has_flurnummer(conn) else: gws.log.warn(f'ALKIS indexes in "{self.db.uid}" NOT found')
# public index tools
[docs] def create_index(self, user, password): if not self.has_source: raise ValueError(f'ALKIS sources in "{self.db.uid}" NOT found') with self._connect_for_writing(user, password) as conn: index.create(conn, read_user=self.connect_args['params']['user'])
[docs] def drop_index(self, user, password): with self._connect_for_writing(user, password) as conn: index.drop(conn)
[docs] def index_ok(self): with self.connect() as conn: return index.ok(conn)
# public search tools
[docs] def gemarkung_list(self) -> t.List[Gemarkung]: with self.connect() as conn: return [Gemarkung(r) for r in flurstueck.gemarkung_list(conn)]
[docs] def find_flurstueck(self, query: FindFlurstueckQuery, **kwargs) -> FindFlurstueckResult: features = [] q = self._query_to_dict(query) q.update(kwargs) q = self._remove_restricted_params(q) with self.connect() as conn: total, rs = flurstueck.find(conn, q) for rec in rs: rec = self._remove_restricted_data(q, rec) features.append(gws.gis.feature.Feature( uid=rec['gml_id'], attributes=rec, shape=gws.gis.shape.from_wkb_hex(rec['geom'], )) return FindFlurstueckResult(features=features, total=total)
[docs] def find_flurstueck_combined(self, combined_param: str, **kwargs) -> FindFlurstueckResult: q = self._expand_combined_params(combined_param, _COMBINED_FS_PARAMS) q.update(kwargs) return self.find_flurstueck(FindFlurstueckQuery(q))
[docs] def find_adresse(self, query: FindAdresseQuery, **kwargs) -> FindAdresseResult: features = [] q = self._query_to_dict(query) q.update(kwargs) with self.connect() as conn: total, rs = adresse.find(conn, q) for rec in rs: features.append(gws.gis.feature.Feature( uid=rec['gml_id'], attributes=rec, shape=gws.gis.shape.from_xy(rec['x'], rec['y'], )) return FindAdresseResult(features=features, total=total)
[docs] def find_adresse_combined(self, combined_param: str, **kwargs) -> FindAdresseResult: q = self._expand_combined_params(combined_param, _COMBINED_AD_PARAMS) q.update(kwargs) return self.find_adresse(FindAdresseQuery(q))
[docs] def find_strasse(self, query: FindStrasseQuery, **kwargs) -> FindStrasseResult: q = self._query_to_dict(query) q.update(kwargs) with self.connect() as conn: rs = flurstueck.strasse_list(conn, q) return FindStrasseResult(strassen=[Strasse(r) for r in rs])
[docs] def connect(self): return AlkisConnection(**self.connect_args)
## def _expand_combined_params(self, value, fields) -> dict: q = {} for val, field in zip(value.split(_COMBINED_PARAMS_DELIM), fields): if val and val != '0': q[field] = val return q def _remove_restricted_params(self, q): if not q.get('withEigentuemer'): q.pop('vorname', None) q.pop('name', None) if not q.get('withBuchung'): q.pop('bblatt', None) return q def _remove_restricted_data(self, q, rec): if q.get('withEigentuemer'): return rec if q.get('withBuchung'): for b in rec.get('buchung', []): b.pop('eigentuemer', None) return rec rec.pop('buchung', None) return rec def _connect_for_writing(self, user, password): params = gws.merge(self.connect_args['params'], { 'user': user, 'password': password, }) connect_args = gws.merge(self.connect_args, {'params': params}) return AlkisConnection(**connect_args) def _query_to_dict(self, query): return {k: v for k, v in gws.as_dict(query).items() if not gws.is_empty(v)}