Source code for

import gws

from . import resolver, adresse, nutzung, grundbuch, flurstueck
from ..util.connection import AlkisConnection

mods = [resolver, adresse, nutzung, grundbuch, flurstueck]

[docs]def create(conn: AlkisConnection, read_user): for mod in mods: mod.create_index(conn) for tab in conn.table_names(conn.index_schema):'optimizing {tab!r}') conn.exec(f'VACUUM {conn.index_schema}.{tab}') conn.exec(f'GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA {conn.index_schema} TO {read_user}') conn.exec(f'GRANT EXECUTE ON ALL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA {conn.index_schema} TO {read_user}')
[docs]def ok(conn: AlkisConnection): return all(mod.index_ok(conn) for mod in mods)
[docs]def drop(conn: AlkisConnection): conn.drop_all()