
Utilities to manipulate metadata

class gws.common.metadata.MetaInspireTheme[source]

Inspire theme, see

ac = 'ac'

Atmospheric conditions

ad = 'ad'


af = 'af'

Agricultural and aquaculture facilities

am = 'am'

Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units

au = 'au'

Administrative units

br = 'br'

Bio-geographical regions

bu = 'bu'


cp = 'cp'

Cadastral parcels

ef = 'ef'

Environmental monitoring facilities

el = 'el'


er = 'er'

Energy resources

ge = 'ge'


gg = 'gg'

Geographical grid systems

gn = 'gn'

Geographical names

hb = 'hb'

Habitats and biotopes

hh = 'hh'

Human health and safety

hy = 'hy'


lc = 'lc'

Land cover

lu = 'lu'

Land use

mf = 'mf'

Meteorological geographical features

mr = 'mr'

Mineral resources

nz = 'nz'

Natural risk zones

of = 'of'

Oceanographic geographical features

oi = 'oi'


pd = 'pd'

Population distribution — demography

pf = 'pf'

Production and industrial facilities

ps = 'ps'

Protected sites

rs = 'rs'

Coordinate reference systems

sd = 'sd'

Species distribution

so = 'so'


sr = 'sr'

Sea regions

su = 'su'

Statistical units

tn = 'tn'

Transport networks

us = 'us'

Utility and governmental services

class gws.common.metadata.MetaInspireResourceType[source]

Inspire resourceType, see

dataset = 'dataset'
series = 'series'
service = 'service'
class gws.common.metadata.MetaInspireSpatialDataServiceType[source]

Inspire spatialDataServiceType, see

discovery = 'discovery'
view = 'view'
download = 'download'
transformation = 'transformation'
invoke = 'invoke'
other = 'other'
class gws.common.metadata.MetaInspireDegreeOfConformity[source]

Inspire degreeOfConformity, see

conformant = 'conformant'
notConformant = 'notConformant'
notEvaluated = 'notEvaluated'
class gws.common.metadata.MetaInspireMandatoryKeyword[source]

Inspire keyword, see

chainDefinitionService = 'chainDefinitionService'
comEncodingService = 'comEncodingService'
comGeographicCompressionService = 'comGeographicCompressionService'
comGeographicFormatConversionService = 'comGeographicFormatConversionService'
comMessagingService = 'comMessagingService'
comRemoteFileAndExecutableManagement = 'comRemoteFileAndExecutableManagement'
comService = 'comService'
comTransferService = 'comTransferService'
humanCatalogueViewer = 'humanCatalogueViewer'
humanChainDefinitionEditor = 'humanChainDefinitionEditor'
humanFeatureGeneralizationEditor = 'humanFeatureGeneralizationEditor'
humanGeographicDataStructureViewer = 'humanGeographicDataStructureViewer'
humanGeographicFeatureEditor = 'humanGeographicFeatureEditor'
humanGeographicSpreadsheetViewer = 'humanGeographicSpreadsheetViewer'
humanGeographicSymbolEditor = 'humanGeographicSymbolEditor'
humanGeographicViewer = 'humanGeographicViewer'
humanInteractionService = 'humanInteractionService'
humanServiceEditor = 'humanServiceEditor'
humanWorkflowEnactmentManager = 'humanWorkflowEnactmentManager'
infoCatalogueService = 'infoCatalogueService'
infoCoverageAccessService = 'infoCoverageAccessService'
infoFeatureAccessService = 'infoFeatureAccessService'
infoFeatureTypeService = 'infoFeatureTypeService'
infoGazetteerService = 'infoGazetteerService'
infoManagementService = 'infoManagementService'
infoMapAccessService = 'infoMapAccessService'
infoOrderHandlingService = 'infoOrderHandlingService'
infoProductAccessService = 'infoProductAccessService'
infoRegistryService = 'infoRegistryService'
infoSensorDescriptionService = 'infoSensorDescriptionService'
infoStandingOrderService = 'infoStandingOrderService'
metadataGeographicAnnotationService = 'metadataGeographicAnnotationService'
metadataProcessingService = 'metadataProcessingService'
metadataStatisticalCalculationService = 'metadataStatisticalCalculationService'
spatialCoordinateConversionService = 'spatialCoordinateConversionService'
spatialCoordinateTransformationService = 'spatialCoordinateTransformationService'
spatialCoverageVectorConversionService = 'spatialCoverageVectorConversionService'
spatialDimensionMeasurementService = 'spatialDimensionMeasurementService'
spatialFeatureGeneralizationService = 'spatialFeatureGeneralizationService'
spatialFeatureManipulationService = 'spatialFeatureManipulationService'
spatialFeatureMatchingService = 'spatialFeatureMatchingService'
spatialImageCoordinateConversionService = 'spatialImageCoordinateConversionService'
spatialImageGeometryModelConversionService = 'spatialImageGeometryModelConversionService'
spatialOrthorectificationService = 'spatialOrthorectificationService'
spatialPositioningService = 'spatialPositioningService'
spatialProcessingService = 'spatialProcessingService'
spatialProximityAnalysisService = 'spatialProximityAnalysisService'
spatialRectificationService = 'spatialRectificationService'
spatialRouteDeterminationService = 'spatialRouteDeterminationService'
spatialSamplingService = 'spatialSamplingService'
spatialSensorGeometryModelAdjustmentService = 'spatialSensorGeometryModelAdjustmentService'
spatialSubsettingService = 'spatialSubsettingService'
spatialTilingChangeService = 'spatialTilingChangeService'
subscriptionService = 'subscriptionService'
taskManagementService = 'taskManagementService'
temporalProcessingService = 'temporalProcessingService'
temporalProximityAnalysisService = 'temporalProximityAnalysisService'
temporalReferenceSystemTransformationService = 'temporalReferenceSystemTransformationService'
temporalSamplingService = 'temporalSamplingService'
temporalSubsettingService = 'temporalSubsettingService'
thematicChangeDetectionService = 'thematicChangeDetectionService'
thematicClassificationService = 'thematicClassificationService'
thematicFeatureGeneralizationService = 'thematicFeatureGeneralizationService'
thematicGeocodingService = 'thematicGeocodingService'
thematicGeographicInformationExtractionService = 'thematicGeographicInformationExtractionService'
thematicGeoparsingService = 'thematicGeoparsingService'
thematicGoparameterCalculationService = 'thematicGoparameterCalculationService'
thematicImageManipulationService = 'thematicImageManipulationService'
thematicImageProcessingService = 'thematicImageProcessingService'
thematicImageSynthesisService = 'thematicImageSynthesisService'
thematicImageUnderstandingService = 'thematicImageUnderstandingService'
thematicMultibandImageManipulationService = 'thematicMultibandImageManipulationService'
thematicObjectDetectionService = 'thematicObjectDetectionService'
thematicProcessingService = 'thematicProcessingService'
thematicReducedResolutionGenerationService = 'thematicReducedResolutionGenerationService'
thematicSpatialCountingService = 'thematicSpatialCountingService'
thematicSubsettingService = 'thematicSubsettingService'
workflowEnactmentService = 'workflowEnactmentService'
class gws.common.metadata.MetaIsoScope[source]

ISO-19139 MD/MX_ScopeCode, see

attribute = 'attribute'

information applies to the attribute class

attributeType = 'attributeType'

information applies to the characteristic of a feature

collectionHardware = 'collectionHardware'

information applies to the collection hardware class

collectionSession = 'collectionSession'

information applies to the collection session

dataset = 'dataset'

information applies to the dataset

series = 'series'

information applies to the series

nonGeographicDataset = 'nonGeographicDataset'

information applies to non-geographic data

dimensionGroup = 'dimensionGroup'

information applies to a dimension group

feature = 'feature'

information applies to a feature

featureType = 'featureType'

information applies to a feature type

propertyType = 'propertyType'

information applies to a property type

fieldSession = 'fieldSession'

information applies to a field session

software = 'software'

information applies to a computer program or routine

service = 'service'

information applies to a capability which a service provider entity makes available to a service user entity through a set of interfaces that define a behaviour, such as a use case

model = 'model'

information applies to a copy or imitation of an existing or hypothetical object

tile = 'tile'

information applies to a tile, a spatial subset of geographic data

initiative = 'initiative'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which was originally identified as an initiative (DS_Initiative)

stereomate = 'stereomate'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which was originally identified as a stereo mate (DS_StereoMate)

sensor = 'sensor'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which was originally identified as a sensor (DS_Sensor)

platformSeries = 'platformSeries'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which was originally identified as a platform series (DS_PlatformSeries)

sensorSeries = 'sensorSeries'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which was originally identified as a sensor series (DS_SensorSeries)

productionSeries = 'productionSeries'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which was originally identified as a production series (DS_ProductionSeries)

transferAggregate = 'transferAggregate'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which has no existence outside of the transfer context

otherAggregate = 'otherAggregate'

The referencing entity applies to a transfer aggregate which has an existence outside of the transfer context, but which does not pertains to a specific aggregate type

class gws.common.metadata.MetaIsoMaintenanceFrequencyCode[source]

ISO-19139 MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode, see

continual = 'continual'
daily = 'daily'
weekly = 'weekly'
fortnightly = 'fortnightly'
monthly = 'monthly'
quarterly = 'quarterly'
biannually = 'biannually'
annually = 'annually'
asNeeded = 'asNeeded'
irregular = 'irregular'
notPlanned = 'notPlanned'
unknown = 'unknown'
class gws.common.metadata.MetaIsoSpatialRepresentationType[source]

ISO-19139 MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode, see

vector = 'vector'

vector data is used to represent geographic data

grid = 'grid'

grid data is used to represent geographic data

textTable = 'textTable'

textual or tabular data is used to represent geographic data

tin = 'tin'

triangulated irregular network

stereoModel = 'stereoModel'

three-dimensional view formed by the intersecting homologous rays of an overlapping pair of images

video = 'video'

scene from a video recording

class gws.common.metadata.MetaIsoOnLineFunction[source]

ISO-19139 CI_OnLineFunctionCode, see

download = 'download'

online instructions for transferring data from one storage device or system to another

information = 'information'

online information about the resource

offlineAccess = 'offlineAccess'

online instructions for requesting the resource from the provider

order = 'order'

online order process for obtening the resource

search = 'search'

online search interface for seeking out information about the resource

class gws.common.metadata.MetaIsoTopicCategory[source]

ISO-19139 MD_TopicCategoryCode, see

farming = 'farming'

agriculture, irrigation, aquaculture, plantations, herding, pests and diseases affecting crops and livestock


rearing of animals and/or cultivation of plants. Examples

biota = 'biota'

wildlife, vegetation, biological sciences, ecology, wilderness, sealife, wetlands, habitat


flora and/or fauna in natural environment. Examples

boundaries = 'boundaries'

political and administrative boundaries


legal land descriptions. Examples

climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere = 'climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere'

cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation


processes and phenomena of the atmosphere. Examples

economy = 'economy'

production, labour, revenue, commerce, industry, tourism and ecotourism, forestry, fisheries, commercial or subsistence hunting, exploration and exploitation of resources such as minerals, oil and gas


economic activities, conditions and employment. Examples

elevation = 'elevation'

altitude, bathymetry, digital elevation models, slope, derived products


height above or below sea level. Examples

environment = 'environment'

environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape


environmental resources, protection and conservation. Examples

geoscientificInformation = 'geoscientificInformation'

geophysical features and processes, geology, minerals, sciences dealing with the composition, structure and origin of the earth s rocks, risks of earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, gravity information, soils, permafrost, hydrogeology, erosion


information pertaining to earth sciences. Examples

health = 'health'

disease and illness, factors affecting health, hygiene, substance abuse, mental and physical health, health services


health, health services, human ecology, and safety. Examples

imageryBaseMapsEarthCover = 'imageryBaseMapsEarthCover'

land cover, topographic maps, imagery, unclassified images, annotations


base maps. Examples

intelligenceMilitary = 'intelligenceMilitary'

barracks, training grounds, military transportation, information collection


military bases, structures, activities. Examples

inlandWaters = 'inlandWaters'

rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water utilization plans, dams, currents, floods, water quality, hydrographic charts


inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics. Examples

location = 'location'

addresses, geodetic networks, control points, postal zones and services, place names


positional information and services. Examples

oceans = 'oceans'

tides, tidal waves, coastal information, reefs


features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) Examples

planningCadastre = 'planningCadastre'

land use maps, zoning maps, cadastral surveys, land ownership


information used for appropriate actions for future use of the land. Examples

society = 'society'

settlements, anthropology, archaeology, education, traditional beliefs, manners and customs, demographic data, recreational areas and activities, social impact assessments, crime and justice, census information


characteristics of society and cultures. Examples

structure = 'structure'

buildings, museums, churches, factories, housing, monuments, shops, towers


man-made construction. Examples

transportation = 'transportation'

roads, airports/airstrips, shipping routes, tunnels, nautical charts, vehicle or vessel location, aeronautical charts, railways


means and aids for conveying persons and/or goods. Examples

utilitiesCommunication = 'utilitiesCommunication'

hydroelectricity, geothermal, solar and nuclear sources of energy, water purification and distribution, sewage collection and disposal, electricity and gas distribution, data communication, telecommunication, radio, communication networks


energy, water and waste systems and communications infrastructure and services. Examples

class gws.common.metadata.ContactConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Contact metadata configuration

url = ''
class gws.common.metadata.LinkConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Object link configuration

scheme = None

link scheme

url = None

link url

function = None

ISO-19115 function

class gws.common.metadata.Config(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Object metadata configuration

abstract = None

object abstract description

attribution = None

attribution (copyright) string

contact = None

contact information

dateCreated = None

publication date

dateUpdated = None

modification date

image = None

image (logo) url

isoScope = None

ISO-19139 scope

isoSpatialRepresentationType = None

ISO-19139 spatial type

isoTopicCategory = None

ISO-19139 topic category

isoQualityConformancePass = False
catalogUid = None

catalog identifier

keywords = []


language = None

object language

additional links

name = None

object internal name

serviceUrl = None

service url

title = None

object title

url = None

metadata url

urlType = None



metadata url type like “ISO19115

class gws.common.metadata.MetaContact(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class gws.common.metadata.MetaData(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class gws.common.metadata.Props(*args, **kwargs)[source]
gws.common.metadata.props(m: gws.types.MetaData) → gws.common.metadata.Props[source]
gws.common.metadata.from_config(m: gws.types.Config) → gws.types.MetaData[source]
gws.common.metadata.from_dict(d: dict) → gws.types.MetaData[source]
gws.common.metadata.from_meta(m: gws.types.MetaData) → gws.types.MetaData[source]
gws.common.metadata.extend(a: gws.types.MetaData, b: gws.types.MetaData)[source]