
class gws.common.layer.types.ImageFormat[source]

Image format

png8 = 'png8'

png 8-bit

png24 = 'png24'

png 24-bit

class gws.common.layer.types.DisplayMode[source]

Layer display mode

box = 'box'

display a layer as one big image (WMS-alike)

tile = 'tile'

display a layer in a tile grid

client = 'client'

draw a layer in the client

class gws.common.layer.types.CacheConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Cache configuration

enabled = False

cache is enabled

maxAge = '7d'

cache max. age

maxLevel = 1

max. zoom level to cache

class gws.common.layer.types.GridConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Grid configuration for caches and tiled data

origin = 'nw'

position of the first tile (nw or sw)

tileSize = 256

tile size

metaSize = 0

number of meta-tiles to fetch

metaBuffer = 0

pixel buffer

class gws.common.layer.types.ClientOptions(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Client options for a layer

expanded = False

the layer is expanded in the list view

listed = True

the layer is displayed in this list view

selected = False

the layer is intially selected

visible = True

the layer is intially visible

unfolded = False

the layer is not listed, but its children are

exclusive = False

only one of this layer’s children is visible at a time

class gws.common.layer.types.EditConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class gws.common.layer.types.LegendConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Layer legend confuguration.

enabled = True

the legend is enabled

url = None

url of the legend image

path = None

path of the legend image

template = None

template for an HTML legend

options = None

provider-dependent legend options

class gws.common.layer.types.FlattenConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Flatten the layer hierarchy.

level = None

flatten level

useGroups = False

use group names (true) or image layer names (false)

class gws.common.layer.types.OwsEnabledServicesConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]
uids = None

enabled services uids

pattern = ''

pattern for enabled service uids

class gws.common.layer.types.OwsConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

OWS services.

name = None

layer name for ows services

featureName = None

feature name for ows services

enabled = True

enable this layer for ows services

enabledServices = None

enabled OWS services

class gws.common.layer.types.LayerProps(*args, **kwargs)[source]
geometryType = ''
tileSize = 0
title = ''
url = ''