
class gws.ext.auth.provider.ldap.UserSpec(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Map LDAP filters to authorization roles

roles = None

gws role names

matches = None

LDAP filter the account has to match

memberOf = None

LDAP group the account has to be a member of

class gws.ext.auth.provider.ldap.Config(*args, **kwargs)[source]

LDAP authorization provider

activeDirectory = True

true if the LDAP server is ActiveDirectory

bindDN = None

bind DN

bindPassword = None

bind password

displayNameFormat = '{dn}'

format for user’s display name

users = None

map LDAP filters to gws roles

timeout = 30

LDAP server timeout

url = None



LDAP server url “ldap

class gws.ext.auth.provider.ldap.Object[source]
authenticate(method: gws.types.IAuthMethod, login, password, **args)[source]