Source code for

import math
import base64
import shapely.ops
import shapely.geometry
from PIL import ImageFont
import wand.image

import gws
import as units
import as xml2
import gws.gis.extent
import gws.gis.renderview

import gws.types as t


    'version': '1.1',
    'xmlns': '',

[docs]def geometry_tags(geom: shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, rv: t.MapRenderView, sv: t.StyleValues, label: str) -> t.List[t.Tag]: if geom.is_empty: return [] trans = gws.gis.renderview.pixel_transformer(rv) geom = shapely.ops.transform(trans, geom) if not sv: return [_geometry(geom)] with_geometry = sv.with_geometry == with_label = sv.with_label == text = None if with_label and label: extra_y_offset = 0 if sv.label_offset_y is None: if geom.type == 'Point': extra_y_offset = 12 if geom.type == 'LineString': extra_y_offset = 6 text = _label(geom, label, sv, extra_y_offset) marker = None marker_id = None if with_geometry and sv.marker: marker_id = '_M' + gws.random_string(8) marker = _marker(marker_id, sv) icon = None if with_geometry and sv.icon: res = _parse_icon_url(sv.icon, rv.dpi) if res: icon, w, h = res x, y, w, h = _icon_size_position(geom, sv, w, h) atts = { 'x': f'{x}px', 'y': f'{y}px', 'width': f'{w}px', 'height': f'{h}px', } icon += (atts,) body = None if with_geometry: atts = {} _fill_stroke_props(atts, sv) if marker: atts['marker-start'] = atts['marker-mid'] = atts['marker-end'] = f'url(#{marker_id})' if geom.type in ('Point', 'MultiPoint'): atts['r'] = (sv.point_size or DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE) // 2 if geom.type in ('LineString', 'MultiLineString'): atts['fill'] = 'none' body = _geometry(geom) + (atts,) return gws.compact([marker, body, icon, text])
[docs]def sort_by_z_index(tags: t.List[t.Tag]): def key(tag): for e in tag: if isinstance(e, dict) and 'z-index' in e: return e['z-index'] return 0 tags.sort(key=key)
[docs]def as_xml(tags: t.List[t.Tag]) -> str: return ''.join( for tag in tags)
[docs]def as_png(tags: t.List[t.Tag], size: t.Size) -> bytes: sort_by_z_index(tags) svg ='svg', SVG_ATTRIBUTES, *tags)) with wand.image.Image(blob=svg.encode('utf8'), format='svg', background='None', width=size[0], height=size[1]) as image: return image.make_blob('png')
[docs]def fragment_tags(fragment: t.SvgFragment, rv: t.MapRenderView) -> t.List[t.Tag]: """Convert an SvgFragment to a list of Tags. A fragment has three components: - a list of xml2.Tags (which are just tuples) - a list of points, in the map coordinate system - a list of named styles The idea is to represent client-side svg drawings (e.g. dimensions) in a resolution-independent way The fragment is converted as follows: - points are converted to pixels - tags' attributes are iterated. If any attribute value is an array, it's assumed to be a 'function' - 'class' attributes are replaced with inline styles from the .styles list Attribute 'functions' are - '' (empty function), ['', index, component] - returns `pixels[index][component]`, where `component` is 0 for x, 1 for y - 'rotate' ['rotate', index1, index2, index3] - computes a slope between `pixels[index1]` and `pixels[index2]` and returns a string `rotate(slope, pixels[index3])`. """ trans = _pixel_transform(rv) pixels = [trans(*p) for p in fragment.points] style_map = { s.values for s in (fragment.styles or []) if} def eval_func(v): if v[0] == '': return round(pixels[v[1]][v[2]]) if v[0] == 'rotate': a = _slope(pixels[v[1]], pixels[v[2]]) adeg = math.degrees(a) x, y = pixels[v[3]] return f'rotate({adeg:.0f}, {x:.0f}, {y:.0f})' def process(tag): for p in tag: if isinstance(p, (list, tuple)): process(p) continue if isinstance(p, dict): for k, v in p.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): p[k] = eval_func(v) if 'class' in p: sv = style_map.get('.' + p.pop('class')) if sv: _fill_stroke_props(p, sv) _font_props(p, sv) for tag in fragment.tags: process(tag) return fragment.tags
## def _pixel_transform(rv: t.MapRenderView): def translate(x, y): x = x - rv.bounds.extent[0] y = rv.bounds.extent[3] - y return ( units.mm2px_f((x / rv.scale) * 1000, rv.dpi), units.mm2px_f((y / rv.scale) * 1000, rv.dpi)) def rotate(x, y): return ( cosa * (x - ox) - sina * (y - oy) + ox, sina * (x - ox) + cosa * (y - oy) + oy) def fn(x, y): x, y = translate(x, y) if rv.rotation: x, y = rotate(x, y) return x, y ox, oy = translate(* cosa = math.cos(math.radians(rv.rotation)) sina = math.sin(math.radians(rv.rotation)) return fn def _marker(uid, sv) -> t.Tag: size = sv.marker_size or DEFAULT_MARKER_SIZE size2 = size // 2 content = None atts = {} _fill_stroke_props(atts, sv, 'marker_') if sv.marker == 'circle': atts.update({ 'cx': size2, 'cy': size2, 'r': size2, }) content = 'circle', atts if content: return 'marker', { 'id': uid, 'viewBox': f'0 0 {size} {size}', 'refX': size2, 'refY': size2, 'markerUnits': 'userSpaceOnUse', 'markerWidth': size, 'markerHeight': size, }, content def _label(geom, label, sv, extra_y_offset=0) -> t.Tag: cx, cy = _label_position(geom, sv, extra_y_offset) return _text(cx, cy, label, sv) def _label_position(geom, sv, extra_y_offset=0): if sv.label_placement == 'start': x, y = _get_points(geom)[0] elif sv.label_placement == 'end': x, y = _get_points(geom)[-1] else: c = geom.centroid x, y = c.x, c.y return ( round(x) + (sv.label_offset_x or 0), round(y) + extra_y_offset + (sv.label_font_size >> 1) + (sv.label_offset_y or 0) ) def _text(cx, cy, label, sv) -> t.Tag: # @TODO label positioning needs more work font_name = _map_font(sv) font_size = sv.label_font_size or DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE font = ImageFont.truetype(font=font_name, size=font_size) anchor = 'start' if sv.label_align == 'right': anchor = 'end' elif sv.label_align == 'center': anchor = 'middle' atts = {'text-anchor': anchor} _font_props(atts, sv, 'label_') _fill_stroke_props(atts, sv, 'label_') lines = list(gws.lines(label)) _, em_height = font.getsize('MMM') metrics = [font.getsize(s) for s in lines] line_height = sv.label_line_height or 1 padding = sv.label_padding or [0, 0, 0, 0] ly = cy - padding[2] lx = cx if anchor == 'start': lx += padding[3] elif anchor == 'end': lx -= padding[1] else: lx += padding[3] // 2 height = em_height * len(lines) + line_height * (len(lines) - 1) + padding[0] + padding[2] pad_bottom = metrics[-1][1] - em_height if pad_bottom > 0: height += pad_bottom ly -= pad_bottom spans = [] for s in reversed(lines): spans.append(xml2.tag('tspan', {'x': lx, 'y': ly}, s)) ly -= (em_height + line_height) tags = [xml2.tag('text', atts, *reversed(spans))] # @TODO a hack to emulate 'paint-order' which wkhtmltopdf doesn't seem to support # place a copy without the stroke above above the text if atts.get('stroke'): no_stroke_atts = {k: v for k, v in atts.items() if not k.startswith('stroke')} tags.append(xml2.tag('text', no_stroke_atts, *reversed(spans))) if sv.label_background: width = max(xy[0] for xy in metrics) + padding[1] + padding[3] if anchor == 'start': bx = cx elif anchor == 'end': bx = cx - width else: bx = cx - width // 2 ratts = { 'x': bx, 'y': cy - height, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'fill': sv.label_background, } tags.insert(0, xml2.tag('rect', ratts)) # a hack to move labels forward: emit a (non-supported) z-index attribute # and sort elements by it later on return xml2.tag('g', {'z-index': 100}, *tags) _PFX_SVF_UTF8 = 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' _PFX_SVF_BASE64 = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' def _parse_icon_url(url, dpi): src = None if url.startswith(_PFX_SVF_UTF8): src = url[len(_PFX_SVF_UTF8):] elif url.startswith(_PFX_SVF_BASE64): src = base64.standard_b64decode(url[len(_PFX_SVF_BASE64):]).decode('utf8') if not src: return try: svg = xml2.from_string(src) except xml2.Error as e: gws.log.error(f'error parsing icon url: {e}') return w = svg.attr('width') h = svg.attr('height') if not w or not h: return try: w, wu = units.parse(w, units=['px', 'mm'], default='px') h, hu = units.parse(h, units=['px', 'mm'], default='px') except ValueError: return if wu == 'mm': w = units.mm2px(w, dpi) if hu == 'mm': h = units.mm2px(h, dpi) sub = gws.compact(_clean(c) for c in svg.children) return xml2.tag('svg', *(c.as_tag() for c in sub)), w, h _ALLOWED_TAGS = { 'circle', 'clippath', 'defs', 'ellipse', 'g', 'hatch', 'hatchpath', 'line', 'lineargradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'mesh', 'meshgradient', 'meshpatch', 'meshrow', 'mpath', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialgradient', 'rect', 'solidcolor', 'symbol', 'text', 'textpath', 'title', 'tspan', 'use', } def _clean(el: xml2.Element) -> t.Optional[xml2.Element]: # @TODO: security! since icons are arbitrary content, check for valid tag names and values if not in _ALLOWED_TAGS: return el.attributes = gws.compact(_clean_attr(a) for a in el.attributes) el.children = gws.compact(_clean(c) for c in el.children) return el def _clean_attr(a: xml2.Attribute): if a.value.startswith(('http:', 'https:', 'data:')): return return a def _icon_size_position(geom, sv, width, height): # @TODO style options for icon positioning c = geom.centroid return ( int(c.x - width / 2), int(c.y - height / 2), width, height) def _get_points(geom): gt = geom.type if gt in ('Point', 'LineString', 'LinearRing'): return geom.coords if gt in ('Polygon', 'LineString', 'LinearRing'): return geom.exterior.coords if gt.startswith('Multi'): return [p for g in geom.geoms for p in _get_points(g)] def _fill_stroke_props(atts, sv, prefix=''): atts['fill'] = sv.get(prefix + 'fill') or 'none' v = sv.get(prefix + 'stroke') if not v: return atts['stroke'] = v v = sv.get(prefix + 'stroke_width') atts['stroke-width'] = f'{v or 1}px' v = sv.get(prefix + 'stroke_dasharray') if v: atts['stroke-dasharray'] = ' '.join(str(x) for x in v) for k in 'dashoffset', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit': v = sv.get(prefix + 'stroke_' + k) if v: atts['stroke-' + k] = v def _font_props(atts, sv, prefix=''): font_name = _map_font(sv, prefix) font_size = sv.get(prefix + 'font_size') or DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE atts.update(gws.compact({ 'font-family': font_name.split('-')[0], 'font-size': f'{font_size}px', 'font-weight': sv.get(prefix + 'font_weight'), 'font-style': sv.get(prefix + 'font_style'), })) def _map_font(sv, prefix=''): # @TODO: allow for more fonts and customize the mapping DEFAULT_FONT = 'DejaVuSans' w = sv.get(prefix + 'font_weight') if w == 'bold': return DEFAULT_FONT + '-Bold' return DEFAULT_FONT def _geometry(geom: shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry) -> t.Tag: def _xy(xy): return str(xy[0]) + ' ' + str(xy[1]) def _lpath(coords): ps = [] cs = iter(coords) for c in cs: ps.append(f'M {_xy(c)}') break for c in cs: ps.append(f'L {_xy(c)}') return ' '.join(ps) ty = geom.type.lower() if ty == 'point': g = t.cast(shapely.geometry.Point, geom) return xml2.tag('circle', {'cx': g.x, 'cy': g.y}) if ty == 'linestring': g = t.cast(shapely.geometry.LineString, geom) d = _lpath(g.coords) return xml2.tag('path', {'d': d}) if ty == 'polygon': g = t.cast(shapely.geometry.Polygon, geom) d = ' '.join(_lpath(interior.coords) + ' z' for interior in g.interiors) d = _lpath(g.exterior.coords) + ' z ' + d return xml2.tag('path', {'fill-rule': 'evenodd', 'd': d.strip()}) if ty in ('multipolygon', 'multipoint', 'mutlilinestring'): g = t.cast(shapely.geometry.base.BaseMultipartGeometry, geom) return xml2.tag('g', *[_geometry(p) for p in g.geoms]) raise ValueError(f'unknown type {geom.type!r}') def _slope(a: t.Point, b: t.Point) -> float: # slope between two points dx = b[0] - a[0] dy = b[1] - a[1] if dx == 0: dx = 0.01; return math.atan(dy / dx) def _rotate(p: t.Point, o: t.Point, a: float) -> t.Point: # rotate P(oint) about O(rigin) by A(ngle) return ( o[0] + (p[0] - o[0]) * math.cos(a) - (p[1] - o[1]) * math.sin(a), o[1] + (p[0] - o[0]) * math.sin(a) + (p[1] - o[1]) * math.cos(a), )