Source code for

from typing import Optional
import re
import datetime
import time
import babel.dates


[docs]def set_system_time_zone(tz): if not tz: return if tz != 'UTC' and not re.match(r'^(\w+)/(\w+)$', tz): raise ValueError('invald timezone', tz)['ln', '-fs', f'/usr/share/zoneinfo/{tz}', '/etc/localtime'])
[docs]def to_iso(d: datetime.datetime, with_tz='+', sep='T') -> str: fmt = f'%Y-%m-%d{sep}%H:%M:%S' if with_tz: fmt += '%z' s = d.strftime(fmt) if with_tz == 'Z' and s.endswith('+0000'): s = s[:-5] + 'Z' return s
[docs]def to_iso_date(d: datetime.datetime) -> str: fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' return d.strftime(fmt)
[docs]def now() -> datetime.datetime: return
[docs]def now_iso(with_tz='+', sep='T') -> str: return to_iso(now(), with_tz, sep)
[docs]def to_utc(d: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: return d.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc)
[docs]def from_timestamp(ts) -> datetime.datetime: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
[docs]def utime() -> float: return time.time()
[docs]def timestamp() -> int: return int(time.time())
[docs]def timestamp_msec() -> int: return int(time.time() * 1000)
[docs]def is_date(x) -> bool: return isinstance(x,
[docs]def is_datetime(x) -> bool: return isinstance(x, datetime.datetime)
_iso_re = r'''(?x) ^ # date (?P<Y> \d{4}) - (?P<m> \d{1,2}) - (?P<d> \d{1,2}) # time? ( # separator [ T] # time (?P<H> \d{1,2}) : (?P<M> \d{1,2}) : (?P<S> \d{1,2}) # fraction? ( \. (?P<f> \d+) )? # time zone? ( Z | ( (?P<zsign> [+-]) (?P<zh> \d{2}) :? (?P<zm> \d{2}) ) )? )? $ '''
[docs]def from_iso(s: str) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]: m = re.match(_iso_re, s) if not m: return None g = m.groupdict() tz = datetime.timezone.utc if g['zsign']: sec = int(g['zh']) * 3600 + int(g['zm']) * 60 if g['zsign'] == '-': sec = -sec tz = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=sec)) return datetime.datetime( int(g['Y']), int(g['m']), int(g['d']), int(g['H'] or 0), int(g['M'] or 0), int(g['S'] or 0), int(g['f'] or 0), tz )
[docs]class DateFormatter: def __init__(self, locale): self.locale = locale
[docs] def format(self, fmt, d=None): d = babel.dates.parse_date(d, self.locale) if d else return babel.dates.format_date(d, locale=self.locale, format=fmt)
@property def short(self): return self.format('short') @property def medium(self): return self.format('medium') @property def long(self): return self.format('medium')
[docs]class TimeFormatter: def __init__(self, locale): self.locale = locale
[docs] def format(self, fmt, d=None): d = babel.dates.parse_time(d, self.locale) if d else return babel.dates.format_time(d, locale=self.locale, format=fmt)
@property def short(self): return self.format('short') @property def medium(self): return self.format('medium') @property def long(self): return self.format('medium')