Source code for

import contextlib
import os
import getpass

import argh

import gws.config.loader
import gws.config.error
import gws.gis.mpx.config
import as json2

[docs]def find_commands(): cs = {} for path in, r'\bcli\.py$'): name = path[len(gws.APP_DIR) + 1:-3].replace('/', '.') mod =, name) fns = [ v for k, v in vars(mod).items() if not k.startswith('_') and callable(v) and v is not argh.arg ] if mod.COMMAND not in cs: cs[mod.COMMAND] = [] cs[mod.COMMAND].extend(fns) return cs
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def pretty_errors(): ln = '-' * 40 try: yield except gws.config.error.ParseError as e: _perr(ln) _perr('CONFIGURATION ERROR') _perr(e.args[0]) _perr('path : %s' % e.args[1]) _perr('key : %s' % e.args[2]) _perr('value: %s' % e.args[3]) _perr(ln) raise except gws.config.error.LoadError as e: _perr(ln) _perr('CONFIGURATION ERROR') _perr_error(e) _perr(ln) raise except gws.config.error.MapproxyConfigError as e: _perr(ln) _perr('MAPPROXY CONFIGURATION ERROR') _perr_error(e) _perr(ln) raise except Exception as e: _perr(ln) _perr('SYSTEM ERROR') _perr_error(e) _perr(ln) raise
def _perr(s): gws.log.error(s) def _perr_error(e): for arg in e.args: for s in gws.lines(str(arg)): _perr(s) def _to_dict(x): try: v = vars(x) cls = x.__class__.__name__ v['$'] = repr(x) return v except TypeError: return {} def _prop_list(x, res, pfx, seen): if x is None or isinstance(x, (int, float, bool, str, bytes, bytearray)): res.append((pfx, x)) return res if isinstance(x, dict): for k in sorted(x): _prop_list(x[k], res, pfx + (str(k),), seen) return res if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): for k, v in enumerate(x): _prop_list(v, res, pfx + ('[%d]' % k,), seen) return res if x in seen: return res seen.append(x) return _prop_list(_to_dict(x), res, pfx, seen) def _prop_tree(x, seen): if x is None or isinstance(x, (int, float, bool, str, bytes, bytearray)): return x if isinstance(x, dict): return {k: _prop_tree(v, seen) for k, v in sorted(x.items())} if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return [_prop_tree(v, seen) for v in x] if x in seen: return '@' + repr(x) seen.append(x) return _prop_tree(_to_dict(x), seen)
[docs]def dump_props(x, skip_empty=True): prev = [] plist = _prop_list(x, [], (), []) for keys, val in plist: if skip_empty and gws.is_empty(val): continue kb = [] i = 0 while i < len(prev) and keys[i] == prev[i]: kb.append(' ' * len(keys[i])) i += 1 kb += keys[i:] prev = keys print('%s=%r' % ('.'.join(kb), val))
[docs]def dump_json(x): t = _prop_tree(x, []) j = json2.to_string(t, pretty=True) print(j)
[docs]def database_credentials(): if 'PGUSER' in os.environ and 'PGPASSWORD' in os.environ: return os.environ['PGUSER'], os.environ['PGPASSWORD'] user = input('DB username: ') password = getpass.getpass('DB password: ') return user, password
[docs]def find_action(action_type, project_uid=None, fail=True): gws.config.loader.load() app = gws.config.root().application action = app.find_action(action_type, project_uid) if action: return action msg = f'{action_type!r} action not configured' if fail: raise ValueError(msg) gws.log.warn(msg)
[docs]def text_table(data, header=None): """Format a list of dicts as a text-mode table.""" data = list(data) if not data: return '' header = header or sorted(data[0].keys()) widths = [len(h) for h in header] for d in data: widths = [ max(a, b) for a, b in zip( widths, [len(str(d.get(h, ''))) for h in header] ) ] def field(n, v): if isinstance(v, (int, float)): return str(v).rjust(widths[n]) return str(v).ljust(widths[n]) def make_row(a): return ' | '.join(a) rows = [] rows.append(make_row(field(n, h) for n, h in enumerate(header))) rows.append('-' * len(rows[0])) for d in data: rows.append(make_row(field(n, d.get(h, '')) for n, h in enumerate(header))) return '\n'.join(rows)