Source code for gws.gis.mpx.util

from mapproxy.image import ImageSource
from PIL import ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont

# see

[docs]def annotate(image, service, layers, environ, query_extent, **kw): img = image.as_image().convert('RGBA') text = [ 'service: %s' % service, 'layers: %s' % ', '.join(layers), 'srs: %s' % query_extent[0] ] try: args = environ['mapproxy.request'].args text.append('x=%s y=%s z=%s' % ( args['tilecol'], args['tilerow'], args['tilematrix'], )) except: pass for coord in query_extent[1]: text.append(' %s' % coord) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) font = ImageFont.load_default() clr = ImageColor.getrgb('#ff0000') line_y = 10 for line in text: line_w, line_h = font.getsize(line) draw.text((10, line_y), line, font=font, fill=clr) line_y = line_y + line_h draw.rectangle((0, 0) + img.size, outline=clr) return ImageSource(img, image.image_opts)
[docs]class AnnotationFilter(object): """ Simple MapProxy decorate_img middleware. Annotates map images with information about the request. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): # Add the callback to the WSGI environment environ['mapproxy.decorate_img'] = annotate return, start_response)