Source code for gws.gis.mpx.config

import re
import yaml
from mapproxy.wsgiapp import make_wsgi_app

import gws
import gws.config

import gws.types as t

class _Config:
    def __init__(self):
        self.c = 0 = {
            'wms': {
                'image_formats': ['image/png'],
                'max_output_pixels': [9000, 9000]
            'wmts': {
                'kvp': True,
                'restful': False

        self.globals = {
            # "By default MapProxy assumes lat/long (north/east) order for all geographic and x/y (east/north) order for all projected SRS."
            # we need to change that because our extents are always x/y (lon/lat) even if a CRS says otherwise
            'srs': {
                'axis_order_en': ['EPSG:4326']
            'cache': {
                'base_dir': gws.MAPPROXY_CACHE_DIR,
                'lock_dir': gws.TMP_DIR + '/mpx/locks_' + gws.random_string(16),
                'tile_lock_dir': gws.TMP_DIR + '/mpx/tile_locks_' + gws.random_string(16),
                'concurrent_tile_creators': 1,

            'image': {
                'resampling_method': 'bicubic',
                'stretch_factor': 1.15,
                'max_shrink_factor': 4.0,

                'formats': {
                    'png8': {
                        'format': 'image/png',
                        'mode': 'P',
                        'colors': 256,
                        'transparent': True,
                        'resampling_method': 'bicubic',
                    'png24': {
                        'format': 'image/png',
                        'mode': 'RGBA',
                        'colors': 0,
                        'transparent': True,
                        'resampling_method': 'bicubic',


        self.cfg = {}

    def _add(self, kind, c):
        # mpx doesn't like tuples
        for k, v in c.items():
            if isinstance(v, tuple):
                c[k] = list(v)

        uid = kind + '_' +

        # clients might add their hash params starting with '$'
        c = {
            k: v
            for k, v in c.items()
            if not k.startswith('$')

        self.cfg[uid] = {'kind': kind, 'c': c}
        return uid

    def _items(self, kind):
        for k, v in self.cfg.items():
            if v['kind'] == kind:
                yield k, v['c']

    def cache(self, c):
        return self._add('cache', c)

    def source(self, c):
        return self._add('source', c)

    def grid(self, c):
        # self._transform_extent(c)
        return self._add('grid', c)

    def layer(self, c):
        c['title'] = ''
        return self._add('layer', c)

    def as_dict(self):
        d = {
            'globals': self.globals,

        kinds = ['source', 'grid', 'cache', 'layer']
        for kind in kinds:
            d[kind + 's'] = {
                key: c
                for key, c in self._items(kind)

        d['layers'] = sorted(d['layers'].values(), key=lambda x: x['name'])

        return d

[docs]def create(root: t.IRootObject): mc = _Config() r: t.ILayer for r in root.find_all('gws.ext.layer'): r.mapproxy_config(mc) cfg = mc.as_dict() if not cfg['layers']: return m: t.IMap crs = set( for m in root.find_all('')) crs.add(gws.EPSG_3857) crs.add(gws.EPSG_4326) cfg['services']['wms']['srs'] = sorted(crs) return cfg
[docs]def create_and_save(root: t.IRootObject, path): test_path = path + '.test.yaml' cfg = create(root) if not cfg: gws.log.warn('mapproxy: NO CONFIG') return gws.write_file(test_path, yaml.dump(cfg)) # make sure the config is ok before starting the server! try: make_wsgi_app(test_path) except Exception as e: raise gws.config.MapproxyConfigError(*e.args) from e gws.write_file(path, yaml.dump(cfg))