Source code for gws.gis.cache_cli

from argh import arg
import time
import gws
import gws.config
import gws.config.loader
import as units
import as clihelpers
import gws.gis.cache

COMMAND = 'cache'

[docs]@arg('--layers', help='comma separated list of layer IDs') def status(layers=None): """Display the cache status""" root = gws.config.loader.load() if layers: layers = _as_list(layers) st = gws.gis.cache.status(root, layers) if not st: print('no cached layers found') return for la_uid, info in sorted(st.items()): print() print(f"CACHE : {info['cache_uid']}") print(f"CONFIG : {repr(info['config'])}") print(f"LAYER :") for uid in info['layer_uids']: print(f" {uid}") print() data = [] for r in info['counts']: data.append({ 'zoom': r['z'], 'scale': round(units.res2scale(r['res'])), 'grid': str(r['maxx']) + 'x' + str(r['maxy']), 'total': r['maxx'] * r['maxy'], 'cached': r['num_files'], '%%': int(100 * (r['num_files'] / (r['maxx'] * r['maxy']))), }) print(clihelpers.text_table(data, ['zoom', 'scale', 'grid', 'total', 'cached', '%%'])) print() print() u = gws.gis.cache.dangling_dirs(root) if u: print(f'{len(u)} DANGLING CACHES:') print() print('\n'.join(u)) print()
[docs]def clean(): """Clean up the cache.""" root = gws.config.loader.load() gws.gis.cache.clean(root)
[docs]@arg('--layers', help='comma separated list of layer IDs') def drop(layers=None): """Drop caches for specific or all layers.""" root = gws.config.loader.load() if layers: layers = _as_list(layers) gws.gis.cache.drop(root, layers)
_SEED_LOCKFILE = gws.CONFIG_DIR + '/mapproxy.seed.lock'
[docs]@arg('--layers', help='comma separated list of layer IDs') @arg('--levels', help='zoom levels to build the cache for') def seed(layers=None, levels=None): """Start the cache seeding process""" root = gws.config.loader.load() if layers: layers = _as_list(layers) if levels: levels = [int(x) for x in _as_list(levels)] with as ok: if not ok:'seed already running') return max_time = root.var('seeding.maxTime') concurrency = root.var('seeding.concurrency') ts = time.time() print(f'\nSTART SEEDING (maxTime={max_time} concurrency={concurrency}), ^C ANYTIME TO CANCEL...\n') done = gws.gis.cache.seed(root, layers, max_time, concurrency, levels) print('=' * 40) print('TIME: %.1f sec' % (time.time() - ts)) print(f'SEEDING COMPLETE' if done else 'SEEDING INCOMPLETE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN')
def _as_list(s): ls = [] for p in s.split(','): p = p.strip() if p: ls.append(p) return ls