Source code for gws.gis.cache

import os
import collections
import datetime
import math
import re

import yaml

import gws
import gws.config
import gws.gis.mpx.config
import gws.common.layer

import gws.types as t

[docs]def status(root: t.IRootObject, layer_uids=None): mc = gws.gis.mpx.config.create(root) files = _get_files() st = {} layer: gws.common.layer.Image for layer, cc in _cached_layers(root, mc): uid = cc['name'] if uid not in st: st[uid] = { 'cache_uid': uid, 'layer_uids': [layer.uid], 'config': vars(layer.cache) if layer.cache else {}, 'mpx_config': cc, 'counts': _file_counts_by_zoom_level(cc, mc, files) } else: st[uid]['layer_uids'].append(layer.uid) st[uid]['layer_uids'].sort() if not layer_uids: return st return { k: v for k, v in st.items() if any(uid in v['layer_uids'] for uid in layer_uids) }
[docs]def dangling_dirs(root: t.IRootObject, ): mc = gws.gis.mpx.config.create(root) used = { cc['name'] for layer, cc in _cached_layers(root, mc) } return [ d for d in _get_dirs() if not any(d.startswith(u) for u in used) ]
[docs]def clean(root: t.IRootObject): ds = [] for d in dangling_dirs(root): _remove_dir(gws.MAPPROXY_CACHE_DIR + '/' + d) return len(ds)
[docs]def seed(root: t.IRootObject, layer_uids=None, max_time=None, concurrency=1, levels=None): mc = gws.gis.mpx.config.create(root) seeds = {} layer: gws.common.layer.Image for layer, cc in _cached_layers(root, mc, layer_uids): seeds[layer.cache_uid] = _seed_config(layer, cc, levels) if not seeds: return False path = gws.CONFIG_DIR + '/mapproxy.seed.yaml' cfg = { 'seeds': seeds } with open(path, 'wt') as fp: fp.write(yaml.dump(cfg)) cmd = [ '/usr/local/bin/mapproxy-seed', '-f', gws.CONFIG_DIR + '/mapproxy.yaml', '-c', str(concurrency), path ] try:, echo=True, timeout=max_time) except return False except KeyboardInterrupt: return False return True
[docs]def drop(root: t.IRootObject, layer_uids=None): mc = gws.gis.mpx.config.create(root) for layer, cc in _cached_layers(root, mc, layer_uids): dirname = _dirname_for_cache(cc) if os.path.isdir(dirname): _remove_dir(dirname)
[docs]def store_in_web_cache(layer: t.ILayer, x, y, z, img): dirname = gws.WEB_CACHE_DIR + f'/_/cmd/mapHttpGetXyz/layerUid/{layer.uid}/z/{z}/x/{x}/y/{y}' tmp = gws.random_string(64) try: os.makedirs(dirname, 0o755, exist_ok=True) with open(dirname + '/' + tmp, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(img) os.rename(dirname + '/' + tmp, dirname + '/t.png') except OSError: gws.log.warn(f'store_in_web_cache FAILED dir={dirname}')
def _path_to_xyz(path): # we use the mp layout all the way: zz/xxxx/xxxx/yyyy/yyyy.format m ='(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\.png$', path) z, x1, x2, y1, y2 = m.groups() return ( int(x1) * 1000 + int(x2), int(y1) * 1000 + int(y2), int(z)) def _dirname_for_cache(cc): return gws.MAPPROXY_CACHE_DIR + '/' + cc['name'] + '_' + cc['grid']['srs'].replace(':', '') def _file_counts_by_zoom_level(cc, mc, files): file_counts = collections.defaultdict(int) dirname = _dirname_for_cache(cc) for f in files: if f.startswith(dirname): x, y, z = _path_to_xyz(f) file_counts[z] += 1 out = [] for d in _calc_grids(cc['grid']): d['num_files'] = file_counts[d['z']] out.append(d) return out def _cached_layers(root: t.IRootObject, mc, layer_uids=None): for layer in root.find_all('gws.ext.layer'): cc = _cache_for_layer(t.cast(gws.common.layer.Image, layer), mc) if not cc: continue if layer_uids and layer.uid not in layer_uids: continue yield layer, cc def _cache_for_layer(layer: gws.common.layer.Image, mc): for name, cc in mc['caches'].items(): if layer.has_cache and name == layer.cache_uid and not cc['disable_storage']: return gws.merge(cc, { 'name': name, 'grid': mc['grids'][cc['grids'][0]], }) def _seed_config(layer, cc, levels): ts = - datetime.timedelta(seconds=layer.cache.maxAge) return { 'caches': [cc['name']], 'grids': cc['grids'], 'levels': levels or list(range(layer.cache.maxLevel)), 'refresh_before': { 'time': ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") } } # see _calc_grids in mapproxy/ def _calc_grids(grid): bbox = grid['bbox'] w = bbox[2] - bbox[0] h = bbox[3] - bbox[1] ts = grid['tile_size'] for z, res in enumerate(grid['res']): yield { 'z': z, 'res': res, 'maxx': max(math.ceil(w // res / ts[0]), 1), 'maxy': max(math.ceil(h // res / ts[1]), 1), } def _get_files(): return list( def _get_dirs(): ls = [] for fname in os.listdir(gws.MAPPROXY_CACHE_DIR): if fname.startswith('.'): continue path = os.path.join(gws.MAPPROXY_CACHE_DIR, fname) if os.path.isdir(path): ls.append(fname) return ls def _remove_dir(dirname): cmd = ['rm', '-fr', dirname], echo=True)'removed {dirname}')