Source code for gws.gis.bounds

import gws

import gws.gis.proj
import gws.gis.gml
import gws.gis.extent

import gws.types as t

[docs]class Bounds(t.Data): crs: t.Crs extent: t.Extent
[docs]def from_request_bbox(s: str, target_crs: t.Crs = None, swap4326: bool = False) -> t.Optional[t.Bounds]: """Create Bounds from a KVP BBOX param. See: OGC 06-121r9, 10.2.3 Bounding box KVP encoding """ crs = None s = s.split(',') if len(s) == 5: crs = s.pop() try: ext = [float(n) for n in s] except: return None proj = gws.gis.proj.as_proj(crs or target_crs) ext = gws.gis.extent.valid(ext) if proj.srid == 4326 and swap4326: ext = gws.gis.extent.swap_xy(ext) if ext and proj: b = t.Bounds(crs=proj.epsg, extent=ext) if not gws.gis.proj.equal(, target_crs): b = transformed_to(b, target_crs) return b
[docs]def from_gml_envelope_element(el: """Create Bounds from a gml:Envelope""" return gws.gis.gml.parse_envelope(el)
[docs]def transformed_to(b: t.Bounds, crs: t.Crs) -> t.Bounds: if gws.gis.proj.equal(, crs): return b return t.Bounds( crs=crs, extent=gws.gis.extent.transform(b.extent,, crs))