Source code for gws.ext.layer.tile

import re
import math

import gws
import gws.common.layer
import gws.types as t
import gws.gis.source

_EPSG_3857_RADIUS = 6378137

_EPSG_3857_EXTENT = [
    -(math.pi * _EPSG_3857_RADIUS),
    -(math.pi * _EPSG_3857_RADIUS),
    +(math.pi * _EPSG_3857_RADIUS),
    +(math.pi * _EPSG_3857_RADIUS),

[docs]class ServiceConfig: """Tile service configuration""" extent: t.Optional[t.Extent] #: service extent crs: t.Crs = 'EPSG:3857' #: service CRS origin: str = 'nw' #: position of the first tile (nw or sw) tileSize: int = 256 #: tile size
[docs]class Config(gws.common.layer.ImageTileConfig): """Tile layer""" maxRequests: int = 0 #: max concurrent requests to this source service: t.Optional[ServiceConfig] = {} #: service configuration url: t.Url #: rest url with placeholders {x}, {y} and {z}
[docs]class Object(gws.common.layer.ImageTile):
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self.url = self.var('url') self.service: ServiceConfig = self.var('service') if not self.service.extent: if == gws.EPSG_3857: self.service.extent = _EPSG_3857_EXTENT else: raise gws.Error(r'service extent required for crs {!r}')
@property def props(self): if self.display == 'client': return gws.merge(super().props, type='xyz', url=self.url) return super().props @property def own_bounds(self): return t.Bounds(, extent=self.service.extent)
[docs] def mapproxy_config(self, mc, options=None): # we use {x} like in Ol, mapproxy wants %(x)s url = re.sub( r'{([xyz])}', r'%(\1)s', self.url) grid_uid = mc.grid(gws.compact({ 'origin': self.service.origin, 'bbox': self.service.extent, # 'res': res, 'srs':, 'tile_size': [self.service.tileSize, self.service.tileSize], })) src = self.mapproxy_back_cache_config(mc, url, grid_uid) self.mapproxy_layer_config(mc, src)