Source code for gws.ext.helper.csv

"""Common csv writer helper."""

import gws
import gws.types as t

# @TODO use locale-dependent formatting

[docs]class Config(t.WithType): """CSV format settings""" decimal: str = '.' #: decimal sign delimiter: str = ',' #: field delimiter encoding: str = 'utf8' #: encoding for CSV files formulaHack: bool = True #: prepend numeric strings with an equal sign precision: int = 2 #: precision for floats quote: str = '"' #: quote sign quoteAll: bool = False #: quote all fields rowDelimiter: str = '\n' #: row delimiter
[docs]class Object(gws.Object):
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self.decimal = self.var('decimal') self.delimiter = self.var('delimiter') self.encoding = self.var('encoding') self.formula_hack = self.var('formulaHack') self.precision = self.var('precision') self.quote = self.var('quote') self.quote_all = self.var('quoteAll') self.row_delimiter = self.var('rowDelimiter').replace('CR', '\r').replace('LF', '\n')
[docs] def writer(self): return _Writer(self)
class _Writer: def __init__(self, helper): self.h: Object = helper self.rows = [] self.headers = '' def write_headers(self, headers: t.List[str]): self.headers = self.h.delimiter.join(self._quote(s) for s in headers) return self def write_attributes(self, attributes: t.List[t.Attribute]): self.rows.append(self.h.delimiter.join(self._format(a.value, a.type) for a in attributes)) return self def as_str(self): rows = [] if self.headers: rows.append(self.headers) rows.extend(self.rows) return self.h.row_delimiter.join(rows) def as_bytes(self, encoding=None): return self.as_str().encode(encoding or self.h.encoding) def _format(self, val, type): if val is None: return self._quote('') if type == t.AttributeType.float: s = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(float(val), prec=self.h.precision) s = s.replace('.', self.h.decimal) return self._quote(s) if self.h.quote_all else s if type == s = str(val) return self._quote(s) if self.h.quote_all else s val = gws.as_str(val) if val and val.isdigit() and self.h.formula_hack: val = '=' + self._quote(val) return self._quote(val) def _quote(self, val): q = self.h.quote s = gws.as_str(val).replace(q, q + q) return q + s + q