Source code for gws.ext.auth.method.web

import gws.common.auth.method
import gws.common.auth.error

import gws.types as t

[docs]class Config(t.WithType): """Web-based authorization options""" cookieName: str = 'auth' #: name for the cookie cookiePath: str = '/' #: cookie path secure: bool = True #: web authorization via ssl only
_ST_STORED = 'web:stored' _ST_DELETED = 'web:deleted'
[docs]class Object(gws.common.auth.method.Object):
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self.cookie_name = self.var('cookieName', default='auth') self.cookie_path = self.var('cookiePath', default='/') = self.var('secure')
[docs] def open_session(self, auth: t.IAuthManager, req: t.IRequest): if and not req.is_secure: return sid = req.cookie(self.cookie_name) if not sid: return sess = auth.find_stored_session(sid) if not sess or sess.type != _ST_STORED: gws.log.debug(f'sid={sid} not found') return auth.new_session( type=_ST_DELETED, user=auth.guest_user, method=self ) return sess
[docs] def close_session(self, auth: t.IAuthManager, sess: t.ISession, req: t.IRequest, res: t.IResponse): if sess.type == _ST_DELETED: gws.log.debug('session cookie=deleted') res.delete_cookie( self.cookie_name, path=self.cookie_path) return if sess.type == _ST_STORED: gws.log.debug('session cookie=', sess.uid) res.set_cookie( self.cookie_name, value=sess.uid, path=self.cookie_path,, httponly=True, ) auth.save_stored_session(sess)
[docs] def login(self, auth: t.IAuthManager, username: str, password: str, req: t.IRequest) -> t.Optional[t.ISession]: user = auth.authenticate(self, username, password) if user: return auth.create_stored_session(_ST_STORED, self, user)
[docs] def logout(self, auth: t.IAuthManager, sess: t.ISession, req: t.IRequest) -> t.ISession: if sess.type == _ST_STORED: auth.destroy_stored_session(sess) return auth.new_session( type=_ST_DELETED, user=auth.guest_user, method=self )