Source code for gws.ext.action.georisks

"""Support the Georisks app"""

import warnings

from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

import gws
import gws.common.action
import gws.common.db
import gws.ext.db.provider.postgres
import gws.gis.shape
import gws.web.error

import gws.types as t

from . import aartelink


_DB_TABLES = """
    CREATE TABLE gws_report
        category VARCHAR(254),
        volume VARCHAR(254),
        height VARCHAR(254),
        kind VARCHAR(254),
        message VARCHAR(254),
        danger_street BOOLEAN,
        danger_rail BOOLEAN,
        danger_way BOOLEAN,
        danger_house BOOLEAN,
        danger_object BOOLEAN,
        danger_person BOOLEAN,
        image1 BYTEA,
        image2 BYTEA,
        image3 BYTEA,
        image4 BYTEA,
        image5 BYTEA,
        geom geometry(Point,25833),
        event_date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
        status INT,
        status_reason VARCHAR(254),
        time_created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
        time_updated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE

    CREATE TABLE gws_aartelink_device
        id VARCHAR(254,
        name VARCHAR(254),
        state VARCHAR(254),
        errorlevel INT,
        errorlevelname VARCHAR(254),
        type VARCHAR(254),
        typename VARCHAR(254),
        geom geometry(Point,25833),
        time_created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
    CREATE TABLE gws_aartelink_message
        customer_id VARCHAR(254),
        system_id VARCHAR(254),
        device_id VARCHAR(254),
        name VARCHAR(254),
        value VARCHAR(254),
        unit  VARCHAR(254),
        time_created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
    CREATE TABLE gws_aartelink_alarm
        customer_id VARCHAR(254),
        system_id VARCHAR(254),
        device_id VARCHAR(254),
        type VARCHAR(254),
        message TEXT,
        time_created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE

_DANGERS = ['street', 'rail', 'way', 'house', 'object', 'person']

[docs]class AarteLinkConfig(t.Config): """AarteLink system configuration""" systemKey: str #: systemKey for the aarteLink connector serviceUrl: str #: service url serviceLogin: str #: service login servicePassword: str #: service password
[docs]class ReportConfig(t.Config): """Configuration for the report function""" privacyPolicyLink: t.Optional[dict] #: url of the privacy policy document maxImageLength: int = 5 #: max image size in megabytes maxImageSize: int = 1000 #: max image size in pixels imageQuality: int = 75 #: jpeg quality level
[docs]class Config(t.WithTypeAndAccess): """Georisks action""" db: t.Optional[str] #: database provider uid report: ReportConfig #: report function config aarteLink: AarteLinkConfig #: AarteLink system configuration
[docs]class Props(t.Props): privacyPolicyLink: str
[docs]class ReportFile: """A file attached to a report.""" content: bytes #: file content as a byte array
[docs]class CreateReportParams(t.Params): """Params for the createReport action""" shape: t.ShapeProps #: spatial shape of the report category: str volume: str = '' height: str = '' kind: str = '' dangers: t.List[str] message: str = '' #: user message date: str #: event date files: t.Optional[t.List[ReportFile]] #: attached files
[docs]class CreateReportResponse(t.Response): """Response of the createReport action.""" reportUid: int #: id of the created report
[docs]class ReportStatusParams(t.Params): """Params for the reportStatus action""" reportUids: t.List[int] #: uids to query
[docs]class ReportStatus(t.Enum): open = 0 #: new report process = 1 #: the report is being processed approved = 2 #: the report is approved rejected = 3 #: the report is rejected error = 99 #: error processing report
[docs]class ReportStatusItem: """Status of a single report.""" reportUid: int #: report id status: ReportStatus #: status value reason: str #: report status reason date: str #: ISO-formatted change date
[docs]class ReportListItem: """Details of a single report.""" reportUid: int #: report id shape: t.ShapeProps #: spatial shape of the report shape4326: t.ShapeProps #: spatial shape of the report in the EPSG:4326 crs category: str volume: str height: str kind: str message: str dangers: t.List[str] images: t.List[str] date: str #: ISO-formatted change date
[docs]class ReportStatusResponse(t.Response): items: t.List[ReportStatusItem]
[docs]class ReportListResponse(t.Response): items: t.List[ReportListItem]
[docs]class AartelinkResponse(t.Response): ok: bool
[docs]class Object(gws.common.action.Object): REPORT_TABLE_NAME = 'gws_report' MESSAGE_TABLE_NAME = 'gws_aartelink_message' ALARM_TABLE_NAME = 'gws_aartelink_alarm' DEVICE_TABLE_NAME = 'gws_aartelink_device' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.db: gws.ext.db.provider.postgres = None = '' @property def props(self): return Props({ 'privacyPolicyLink': self.var('report.privacyPolicyLink') })
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() p = self.var('db') self.db = self.root.find('gws.ext.db.provider', p) if p else self.root.find_first( 'gws.ext.db.provider.postgres') with self.db.connect() as conn: = conn.crs_for_column(self.REPORT_TABLE_NAME, 'geom')
[docs] def api_create_report(self, req: t.IRequest, p: CreateReportParams) -> CreateReportResponse: """Upload a new report""" rec = { 'message': p.message.strip(), 'geom': gws.gis.shape.from_props(p.shape), 'category': p.category, 'volume': p.volume, 'height': p.height, 'kind': p.kind, 'status':, 'status_reason': '', 'event_date':, 'time_created': ['current_timestamp'], 'time_updated': ['current_timestamp'], } for n, f in enumerate(p.files, 1): if n > _MAX_IMAGES: continue try: img, w, h = self._check_image(f.content) except Exception: gws.log.exception() raise gws.web.error.BadRequest() rec[f'image{n}'] = img ds = gws.as_list(p.dangers) for d in _DANGERS: rec[f'danger_{d}'] = d in ds tbl = gws.common.db.SqlTableConfig({ 'name': self.REPORT_TABLE_NAME, 'keyColumn': 'id', 'geometryColumn': 'geom' }) uid = self.db.insert(tbl, [rec])[0] return CreateReportResponse({ 'reportUid': uid })
[docs] def api_report_status(self, req: t.IRequest, p: ReportStatusParams) -> ReportStatusResponse: """Query the status of the reports""" ls = [] with self.db.connect() as conn: rs =""" SELECT id, status, status_reason, time_updated FROM {self.REPORT_TABLE_NAME} WHERE id = ANY(%s) """, [p.reportUids]) for r in rs: ls.append({ 'reportUid': r['id'], 'status': r['status'], 'reason': r['status_reason'], 'date':['time_updated']), }) return ReportStatusResponse({ 'items': ls })
[docs] def api_report_list(self, req: t.IRequest, p: t.NoParams) -> ReportListResponse: """Return all approved reports""" ls = [] with self.db.connect() as conn: rs =""" SELECT * FROM {self.REPORT_TABLE_NAME} WHERE STATUS=%s ORDER BY time_created ASC """, [ReportStatus.approved]) for r in rs: shape = gws.gis.shape.from_wkb(r['geom'], ls.append({ 'shape': shape.props, 'shape4326': shape.transformed_to('EPSG:4326').props, 'reportUid': r['id'], 'category': r['category'], 'volume': r['volume'], 'height': r['height'], 'kind': r['kind'], 'message': r['message'], 'images': gws.compact(self._image_url(req, r, n) for n in range(1, _MAX_IMAGES + 1)), 'dangers': [d for d in _DANGERS if r.get(f'danger_{d}')], 'date':['time_updated']), }) return ReportListResponse({ 'items': ls })
def _image_url(self, req, r, n): if r.get(f'image{n}'): return f"/_/cmd/georisksHttpGetReportImage/reportUid/{r['id']}/image/{n}.png"
[docs] def http_get_report_image(self, req: t.IRequest, p) -> t.HttpResponse: # params are reportUid, image (1.._MAX_IMAGES) image = gws.as_int(req.params.get('image')) or 1 if not (1 <= image <= _MAX_IMAGES): raise gws.web.error.NotFound() fld = f'image{image}' with self.db.connect() as conn: r = conn.select_one( f"SELECT {fld} FROM {self.REPORT_TABLE_NAME} WHERE id = %s", [req.params.get('reportUid')]) if not r: raise gws.web.error.NotFound() return t.HttpResponse({ 'mime': 'image/jpeg', 'content': r[fld] })
[docs] def export_reports(self, base_dir): """Export all reports as html to the directory.""" html = [] cnt = 0 with self.db.connect() as conn: rs ='SELECT *, ST_AsText(geom) AS wkt FROM {self.REPORT_TABLE_NAME} ORDER BY id') for rec in rs: for k, v in sorted(rec.items()): if not k.startswith('image'): html.append(f'{k}={v}<br>') for n in range(1, _MAX_IMAGES + 1): img = rec.get(f'image{n}') if img: fname = f"img_{rec['id']:05d}_{n}.jpg" with open(base_dir + '/' + fname, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(img) html.append(f'<img src="{fname}"/><br>') html.append('<hr>') cnt += 1 with open(base_dir + '/index.html', 'w') as fp: fp.write('\n'.join(html)) return cnt
def _check_image(self, buf): siz = len(buf) if siz / (1024.0 * 1024.0) > self.var('report.maxImageLength'): raise ValueError(f'image too big, bytes={siz}') warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning) img = s = self.var('report.maxImageSize') if img.width > s or img.height > s: img.thumbnail((s, s)) out = BytesIO(), format='JPEG', quality=self.var('report.imageQuality')) return out.getvalue(), img.width, img.height