Source code for gws.ext.action.dprocon

"""Intergration with the DProCon software."""

import re
import time
import os

import gws
import gws.common.action
import gws.common.db
import gws.common.layer
import gws.common.template
import gws.ext.helper.alkis
import gws.gis.feature
import gws.gis.proj
import gws.gis.shape
import gws.web.error

import gws.types as t

_INDEX_TABLE_NAME = 'dprocon_house'
_LOG_TABLE_NAME = 'dprocon_log'

_cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)

            <p class="head">{title}</p>
            @each attributes as k, v
                    <td>{k | html}</td>
                    <td align=right>{v | html}</td>

[docs]class Config(t.WithTypeAndAccess): """D-Procon action""" cacheTime: t.Duration = '24h' dataTableName: str #: table to store consolidated results dataTablePattern: str #: pattern for result tables to consolidate gemeindeFilter: t.Optional[t.List[str]] #: gemeinde (AU) ids to keep in the index infoTitle: str = '' requestTableName: str #: table to store outgoing requests requestUrl: t.Url templates: t.Optional[t.List[t.ext.template.Config]] #: feature formatting templates
[docs]class ConnectParams(t.Params): shapes: t.List[t.ShapeProps]
[docs]class ConnectResponse(t.Response): url: str
[docs]class GetDataParams(t.Params): requestId: str
[docs]class GetDataResponse(t.Data): feature: t.FeatureProps
[docs]class Object(gws.common.action.Object):
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self.alkis: gws.ext.helper.alkis.Object = t.cast( gws.ext.helper.alkis.Object, self.root.find_first('gws.ext.helper.alkis')) if not self.alkis or not self.alkis.has_index: gws.log.warn('dprocon cannot init, no alkis index found') return self.au_filter: t.List[str] = self.var('gemeindeFilter', default=[]) self.data_table_name: str = self.var('dataTableName') self.request_table_name: str = self.var('requestTableName') self.request_url: str = self.var('requestUrl') self.templates: t.List[t.ITemplate] = gws.common.template.bundle(self, self.var('templates'), _DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)
[docs] def api_connect(self, req: t.IRequest, p: ConnectParams) -> ConnectResponse: req.require_project(p.projectUid) shape = gws.gis.shape.union(gws.gis.shape.from_props(s) for s in p.shapes) request_id = self._new_request(shape) if not request_id: raise gws.web.error.NotFound() url = self.request_url.replace('{REQUEST_ID}', request_id) return ConnectResponse(url=url)
[docs] def api_get_data(self, req: t.IRequest, p: GetDataParams) -> GetDataResponse: req.require_project(p.projectUid) request_id = p.requestId geom = self._selection_for_request(request_id) if not geom: gws.log.warn(f'request {request_id!r} not found') raise gws.web.error.NotFound() self._populate_data_table() atts = self._select_data(request_id) shape = gws.gis.shape.from_wkb_hex(geom, f = gws.gis.feature.Feature( uid=f'dprocon_{request_id}', attributes=atts, shape=shape, ) f.apply_templates(self.templates, {'title': self.var('infoTitle')}) return GetDataResponse(feature=f.props)
_data_fields = { 'meso_key': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'land': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'regierungsbezirk': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'kreis': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'gemeinde': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'lage': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'hausnummer': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'bezeichnung': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'wert': 'INT', 'beschreibung': 'CHARACTER VARYING', 'x': 'FLOAT', 'y': 'FLOAT', } _exclude_fields = [ 'id', 'gid', 'selection', 'ts', 'bezirk' ]
[docs] def setup(self): with self.alkis.db.connect() as conn: data_fields = ','.join(k + ' ' + v for k, v in self._data_fields.items()) index_table_name = conn.quote_table(_INDEX_TABLE_NAME, self.alkis.index_schema) alkis_schema = self.alkis.data_schema srid =':')[1] au_filter = '' if self.au_filter: s = ','.join(repr(s) for s in self.au_filter) au_filter = f' AND h.gemeinde IN ({s})' sql = [ f''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {index_table_name} CASCADE ''', f''' CREATE TABLE {index_table_name} ( gml_id CHARACTER(16) PRIMARY KEY, {data_fields}, geom geometry(POINT, {srid}) ) ''', f''' INSERT INTO {index_table_name} SELECT h.gml_id, h.lage || ' ' || h.hausnummer AS meso_key,, h.regierungsbezirk, h.kreis, h.gemeinde, h.lage, h.hausnummer, c.bezeichnung, gf.wert, gf.beschreibung, ST_X(p.wkb_geometry) AS x, ST_Y(p.wkb_geometry) AS y, p.wkb_geometry AS geom FROM "{alkis_schema}".ax_lagebezeichnungmithausnummer AS h, "{alkis_schema}".ax_lagebezeichnungkatalogeintrag AS c, "{alkis_schema}".ap_pto AS p, "{alkis_schema}".ax_gebaeude AS g, "{alkis_schema}".ax_gebaeudefunktion AS gf WHERE = 'HNR' AND h.gml_id = ANY (p.dientzurdarstellungvon) AND = AND c.regierungsbezirk = h.regierungsbezirk AND c.kreis = h.kreis AND c.gemeinde = h.gemeinde AND c.lage = h.lage AND h.gml_id = ANY(g.zeigtauf) AND gf.wert = g.gebaeudefunktion AND c.endet IS NULL AND g.endet IS NULL AND h.endet IS NULL AND p.endet IS NULL {au_filter} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING ''', f''' CREATE INDEX geom_index ON {index_table_name} USING GIST(geom) ''', ] with conn.transaction(): for s in sql: conn.exec(s) cnt = conn.select_value(f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {index_table_name}') print('index ok, ', cnt, 'entries')
def _new_request(self, shape): self._prepare_request_table() features ={ 'shape': shape, 'table': self.alkis.db.configure_table(t.Data( name=self.alkis.index_schema + '.' + _INDEX_TABLE_NAME, )) })) if not features: return None request_id = _rand_id() data = [] for f in features: d = { a.value for a in f.attributes if in self._data_fields } d['request_id'] = request_id d['selection'] = shape.transformed_to( d['ts'] = data.append(d) with self.alkis.db.connect() as conn: for d in data: conn.insert_one(self.request_table_name, 'request_id', d) return request_id def _prepare_request_table(self): srid =':')[1] with self.alkis.db.connect() as conn: request_table_name = conn.quote_table(self.request_table_name) data_fields = ','.join(k + ' ' + v for k, v in self._data_fields.items()) conn.exec(f''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {request_table_name} ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, request_id CHARACTER VARYING, {data_fields}, selection geometry(GEOMETRY, {srid}) NOT NULL, ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE ) ''') # clean up obsolete request records conn.exec(f''' DELETE FROM {request_table_name} WHERE ts < CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '%s seconds' ''', [self.var('cacheTime')]) def _selection_for_request(self, request_id): with self.alkis.db.connect() as conn: return conn.select_value(f''' SELECT selection FROM {conn.quote_table(self.request_table_name)} WHERE request_id=%s ''', [request_id]) def _populate_data_table(self): # collect data from various dprocon-tables into a single data table # dprocon-tables contain (request_id, common fields, specific fields) exclude_fields = list(self._data_fields) + self._exclude_fields data = [] with self.alkis.db.connect() as conn: data_schema, data_name = conn.schema_and_table(self.data_table_name) for tab in conn.table_names(data_schema): if not'dataTablePattern'), tab): continue cols = ','.join( c for c in conn.columns(data_schema + '.' + tab) if c not in exclude_fields) if not cols: continue sql = f''' SELECT request_id, {cols} FROM {data_schema}.{tab} WHERE request_id::text != '0' ''' for r in conn.server_select(sql): for f, v in r.items(): if isinstance(v, int): data.append({ 'table_name': tab, 'request_id': r['request_id'], 'field': f, 'value': v }) tmp = f"{self.data_table_name}{_rand_id()}" conn.exec(f''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {conn.quote_table(tmp)} ( table_name CHARACTER VARYING, request_id CHARACTER VARYING, field CHARACTER VARYING, value BIGINT) ''') if data: conn.insert_many(tmp, data) conn.exec(f'''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {conn.quote_table(self.data_table_name)} CASCADE''') conn.exec(f'''ALTER TABLE {conn.quote_table(tmp)} RENAME TO {data_name}''') def _select_data(self, request_id): d = {} with self.alkis.db.connect() as conn: rs =''' SELECT * FROM {conn.quote_table(self.data_table_name)} WHERE request_id=%s ''', [request_id]) for r in rs: f, v = r['field'], r['value'] if isinstance(v, int): d[f] = d.get(f, 0) + v return d
def _rand_id(): return str(int(time.time() * 1000))