Source code for

"""Upload and update GWS Cloud projects."""

import re
from lxml import etree

import gws
import gws.common.action
import gws.common.db
import gws.config
import gws.config.parser
import gws.ext.db.provider.postgres
import gws.gis.extent
import gws.server
import gws.web.error

import gws.types as t
import gws.common.template

[docs]class Config(t.WithTypeAndAccess): """Cloud admin action""" configTemplate: t.ext.template.Config #: project config template
[docs]class DataSet(t.Data): """Data set for a cloud project.""" uid: str #: data set uid as used in the map records: t.List[dict] #: list of data records
[docs]class AssetType(t.Enum): svg = "svg"
[docs]class Source(t.Data): text: t.Optional[str] #: text content content: t.Optional[bytes] #: binary content
[docs]class Asset(t.Data): """Media asset for the map""" type: AssetType #: type, e.g. "svg" name: str #: file name, as used in the map source source: Source #: file source
[docs]class MapType(t.Enum): qgis = "qgis"
[docs]class Map(t.Data): """Cloud project map""" type: MapType #: map type source: Source #: map source code (e.g. a QGIS project) layerUids: t.Optional[t.List[str]] #: layer ids to use in the cloud project excludeLayerUids: t.Optional[t.List[str]] #: layer ids to exclude from the cloud data: t.Optional[t.List[DataSet]] #: data for the map assets: t.Optional[t.List[Asset]] #: map assets extent: t.Optional[t.Extent] scales: t.Optional[t.List[int]] initScale: t.Optional[int] center: t.Optional[t.Point]
[docs]class CreateProjectParams(t.Params): """Parameters for the CreateProject command""" userUid: str #: API user ID userKey: str #: API user key projectName: str #: project name map: Map #: project map
[docs]class CreateProjectResponse(t.Response): pass
_QGIS_DATASOURCE_TEMPLATE = """dbname='{database}' host={host} port={port} user='{user}' password='{password}' sslmode=disable key='{key}' srid={geo_srid} type={geo_type} table="{schema}"."{table}" ({geo_col}) sql=""" _CONFIG_TEMPLATE_PATH = '/data/' _DEFAULT_SCALES = [ 4000000, 2000000, 1000000, 500000, 250000, 150000, 70000, 35000, 15000, 8000, 4000, 2000, 1000 ] CLOUD_DIR = gws.VAR_DIR + '/cloud' CLOUD_USER_DIR = CLOUD_DIR + '/users' CLOUD_CONFIG_DIR = CLOUD_DIR + '/configs' _CLOUD_USER_TABLE = 'public.cloud_user'
[docs]class Object(gws.common.action.Object): db: gws.ext.db.provider.postgres config_template: t.ITemplate
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self.db = t.cast( gws.ext.db.provider.postgres.Object, gws.common.db.require_provider(self, 'gws.ext.db.provider.postgres')) self.config_template = self.root.create_object('gws.ext.template', self.var('configTemplate'))
[docs] def api_create_project(self, req: t.IRequest, p: CreateProjectParams) -> CreateProjectResponse: gws.write_file(gws.VAR_DIR + '/cloud-debug-input.json', gws.write_file(gws.VAR_DIR + '/cloud-debug-input.qgs', uid = self._create_project(p) return CreateProjectResponse( url=req.url_for(gws.SERVER_ENDPOINT + f'/cmd/assetHttpGetPath/projectUid/{uid}/path/') )
def _create_project(self, p: CreateProjectParams): user_uid = gws.as_uid(p.userUid) project_uid = gws.as_uid(p.projectName) db_user = self._init_user_db(user_uid) user_dir = gws.ensure_dir(f'{CLOUD_USER_DIR}/{user_uid}') ds_map = {} for ds in ds_map[ds.uid] = self._dataset_to_table(ds, db_user) assets_dir = gws.ensure_dir(f'{user_dir}/assets') qdata = self._prepare_qgis_project(, ds_map,, assets_dir) # use a custom ext to prevent the monitor from watching this # @TODO fix monitor settings qpath = f'{user_dir}/{project_uid}.qgs.x' gws.write_file(qpath, qdata['source']) project_full_uid = user_uid + '::' + project_uid context = { 'PROJECT_UID': project_full_uid, 'PROJECT_TITLE': p.projectName, 'MAP_EXTENT': or qdata['extent'], 'MAP_SCALES': or _DEFAULT_SCALES, 'MAP_CRS': qdata['crs'], 'QGIS_PATH': qpath, 'QGIS_ROOT_LAYERS': gws.get(, 'layerUids'), 'QGIS_EXCLUDE_LAYERS': gws.get(, 'excludeLayerUids'), } context['MAP_CENTER'] = or['MAP_EXTENT']) context['MAP_INIT_SCALE'] = or context['MAP_SCALES'][0] res = self.config_template.render(context) gws.write_file(gws.VAR_DIR + '/cloud-debug-config.json', res.content) config = # parse the config before saving, if this fails, then it fails gws.log.debug('parsing config...') gws.config.parser.parse(config, 'gws.common.project.Config') gws.log.debug('parsing config ok') config_dir = gws.ensure_dir(CLOUD_CONFIG_DIR) cfg_path = config_dir + f'/{project_full_uid}.config.json' gws.write_file(cfg_path, with self.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute(f"GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA {db_user['schema_name']} TO {db_user['role_name']}") gws.log.debug(f'added project {project_full_uid!r}') return project_full_uid def _dataset_to_table(self, ds: DataSet, db_user): ddl = [] qsrc = dict(self.db.connect_params) qsrc['user'] = db_user['role_name'] qsrc['schema'] = db_user['schema_name'] qsrc['password'] = db_user['password'] qsrc['table'] = gws.as_uid(ds.uid) # @TODO require the client to provide a data schema for k, v in ds.records[0].items(): pt = 'TEXT' if isinstance(v, int) and k == 'id': pt = 'INT PRIMARY KEY' qsrc['key'] = k elif isinstance(v, (int, bool)): pt = 'INT' elif isinstance(v, float): pt = 'FLOAT' elif isinstance(v, dict) and 'geometry' in v: qsrc['geo_col'] = k qsrc['geo_srid'] = v['crs'].split(':')[1] qsrc['geo_type'] = v['geometry']['type'] pt = 'GEOMETRY(%s,%s)' % (qsrc['geo_type'], qsrc['geo_srid']) # insert geometries as json first and have postgis convert them ddl.append(k + '__json TEXT') ddl.append(k + ' ' + pt) table = qsrc['schema'] + '.' + qsrc['table'] ddl = ',\n'.join(ddl) create_sql = f'CREATE TABLE {table} ({ddl})' data = [] geo_col = qsrc.get('geo_col') for rec in ds.records: r = {} for k, v in rec.items(): if k == geo_col: g = v['geometry'] g['crs'] = {'type': 'name', 'properties': {'name': v['crs']}} r[k + '__json'] = else: r[k] = v data.append(r) with self.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table}') conn.execute(create_sql) conn.insert_many(table, data) if geo_col: conn.execute(f'UPDATE {table} SET {geo_col}=ST_GeomFromGeoJSON({geo_col}__json)') conn.execute(f'ALTER TABLE {table} DROP COLUMN {geo_col}__json') gws.log.debug(f'added tabled {table!r} qsrc={qsrc!r}') return qsrc def _init_user_db(self, user_uid): schema_name = f's_{user_uid}' role_name = f'u_{user_uid}' with self.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute(f'''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {_CLOUD_USER_TABLE} ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, role_name VARCHAR, schema_name VARCHAR, password VARCHAR, time_created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, time_updated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE )''') with self.db.connect() as conn: user = conn.select_one(f'SELECT * FROM {_CLOUD_USER_TABLE} WHERE role_name=%s', [role_name]) if not user: gws.log.debug(f"creating user entry {role_name!r}") conn.insert_one(_CLOUD_USER_TABLE, 'id', { 'role_name': role_name, 'schema_name': schema_name, 'password': gws.random_string(32), 'time_created': ['current_timestamp'], }) user = conn.select_one(f'SELECT * FROM {_CLOUD_USER_TABLE} WHERE role_name=%s', [role_name]) role = conn.select_one('SELECT * FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname=%s', [user['role_name']]) if not role: gws.log.debug(f"creating role {user['role_name']!r}") conn.execute(f'''CREATE ROLE {user['role_name']} WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '{user['password']}' ''') conn.update(_CLOUD_USER_TABLE, 'id', { 'id': user['id'], 'time_updated': ['current_timestamp'], }) conn.execute(f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {user['schema_name']}") conn.execute(f"GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA {user['schema_name']} TO {user['role_name']}") return user def _prepare_qgis_project(self, text, ds_map, assets, assets_dir): # @TODO move this to qqgis source_strings = { uid:, qsrc) for uid, qsrc in ds_map.items() } xml = etree.fromstring(text) for node in xml.findall('.//layer-tree-layer'): uid = node.get('id') if uid in source_strings: gws.p('replace source', node.get('source'), source_strings[uid]) node.set('source', source_strings[uid]) node.set('providerKey', 'postgres') for node in xml.findall('.//maplayer'): n = node.find('id') if n is not None and n.text in ds_map: uid = n.text n = node.find('datasource') if n is not None: gws.p('replace source', n.text, source_strings[uid]) n.text = source_strings[uid] n = node.find('provider') if n is not None: n.text = 'postgres' if not xml.findall('.//WMSUseLayerIDs'): etree.SubElement(xml.find('properties'), 'WMSUseLayerIDs') for node in xml.findall('.//WMSUseLayerIDs'): node.text = 'true' source = etree.tounicode(xml) for a in assets: path = assets_dir + '/' + gws.as_uid('.')[0]) + '.' + a.type if a.source.text: with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(a.source.text) if a.source.content: with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(gws.as_bytes(a.source.content)) source = source.replace(f'"{}"', f'"{path}"') gws.p(f'saved asset {!r} to {path!r}') qdata = { 'crs': '', 'extent': [], 'source': source, } for node in xml.findall('.//WMSExtent/value'): qdata['extent'].append(float(node.text)) for node in xml.findall('.//projectCrs/spatialrefsys/authid'): qdata['crs'] = node.text return qdata