Source code for gws.ext.action.alkissearch

"""Backend for the Flurstückssuche (cadaster parlcels search) form."""

import os
import re

import gws
import gws.common.action
import gws.common.printer.job
import gws.common.printer.types
import gws.common.template
import gws.ext.db.provider.postgres
import gws.ext.helper.alkis
import gws.ext.helper.alkis.util.export
import gws.gis.shape
import gws.web.error

import gws.types as t

log table:

create table <name> (
    id serial primary key,
    app_name varchar(255),
    date_time timestamp,
    ip varchar(255),
    login varchar(255),
    user_name varchar(255),
    control_input varchar(255),
    control_result integer,
    fs_count integer,
    fs_ids text

grant insert on <name> to <user>
grant usage on <name>_id_seq to <user>


[docs]class EigentuemerConfig(t.WithAccess): """Access to the Eigentümer (owner) information""" controlMode: bool = False #: restricted mode enabled controlRules: t.Optional[t.List[str]] #: list of regular expression for the restricted input control logTable: str = '' #: data access protocol table name
[docs]class BuchungConfig(t.WithAccess): """Access to the Grundbuch (register) information""" pass
[docs]class UiGemarkungListMode(t.Enum): none = 'none' #: do not show the list plain = 'plain' #: only "gemarkung" combined = 'combined' #: "gemarkung (gemeinde)" tree = 'tree' # a tree with level 1 = "gemeinde" and level 2 = "gemarkung"
[docs]class UiStrasseListMode(t.Enum): filtered = 'filtered' #: show only streets from the selected gemeinde/gemarkung all = 'all' #: show all streets at once search = 'search' #: autocomplete, substring search searchStart = 'searchStart' #: autocomplete, string start search
[docs]class UiStrasseListFormat(t.Enum): plain = 'plain' #: just "strasse" withGemeinde = 'withGemeinde' #: "strasse" ("gemeinde") withGemarkung = 'withGemarkung' #: "strasse" ("gemarkung") withGemeindeWhenNeeded = 'withGemeindeWhenNeeded' #: "strasse" ("gemeinde"), when needed for disambiguation withGemarkungWhenNeeded = 'withGemarkungWhenNeeded' #: "strasse" ("gemarkung"), when needed for disambiguation
[docs]class UiConfig(t.Config): """Flurstückssuche UI configuration.""" useExport: bool = False #: export function enabled useSelect: bool = False #: select mode enabled usePick: bool = False #: pick mode enabled searchSelection: bool = False #: search in selection enabled searchSpatial: bool = False #: spatial search enabled gemarkungListMode: UiGemarkungListMode = 'combined' #: gemarkung list mode strasseListMode: UiStrasseListMode = 'filtered' #: strasse list mode strasseListFormat: UiStrasseListFormat = 'plain' #: strasse list entry format autoSpatialSearch: bool = False #: activate spatial search after submit
[docs]class Config(t.WithTypeAndAccess): """Flurstückssuche (cadaster parlcels search) action""" eigentuemer: t.Optional[EigentuemerConfig] #: access to the Eigentümer (owner) information buchung: t.Optional[BuchungConfig] #: access to the Grundbuch (register) information limit: int = 100 #: search results limit featureTemplates: t.Optional[t.List[t.ext.template.Config]] #: templates for on-screen Flurstueck details printTemplate: t.Optional[t.ext.template.Config] #: template for printed Flurstueck details ui: t.Optional[UiConfig] #: ui options export: t.Optional[gws.ext.helper.alkis.util.export.Config] #: csv export configuration
[docs]class Props(t.Props): type: t.Literal = 'alkissearch' exportGroups: dict gemarkungen: t.List[gws.ext.helper.alkis.Gemarkung] limit: int printTemplate: t.TemplateProps ui: UiConfig withBuchung: bool withControl: bool withEigentuemer: bool withFlurnummer: bool
[docs]class BaseFindParams(t.Params): gemarkung: str = '' gemarkungUid: str = '' gemeinde: str = '' gemeindeUid: str = '' strasse: str = '' strasseMode: t.Optional[gws.ext.helper.alkis.StrasseQueryMode]
[docs]class FindStrasseParams(BaseFindParams): pass
[docs]class FindStrasseResponse(t.Response): strassen: t.List[gws.ext.helper.alkis.Strasse]
[docs]class FindFlurstueckParams(BaseFindParams): wantEigentuemer: t.Optional[bool] controlInput: t.Optional[str] crs: t.Optional[t.Crs] shapes: t.Optional[t.List[t.ShapeProps]] bblatt: str = '' flaecheBis: str = '' flaecheVon: str = '' flurnummer: str = '' flurstuecksfolge: str = '' fsUids: t.List[str] = [] hausnummer: str = '' name: str = '' nenner: str = '' vnum: str = '' vorname: str = '' zaehler: str = ''
[docs]class FindFlurstueckResponse(t.Response): features: t.List[t.FeatureProps] total: int
[docs]class FindAdresseParams(BaseFindParams): crs: t.Optional[t.Crs] bisHausnummer: str = '' hausnummer: str = '' kreis: str = '' kreisUid: str = '' land: str = '' landUid: str = '' regierungsbezirk: str = '' regierungsbezirkUid: str = ''
[docs]class FindAdresseResponse(t.Response): features: t.List[t.FeatureProps] total: int
[docs]class GetDetailsParams(FindFlurstueckParams): pass
[docs]class GetDetailsResponse(t.Response): feature: t.FeatureProps
[docs]class PrintParams(t.Params): findParams: FindFlurstueckParams printParams: gws.common.printer.types.PrintParamsWithTemplate highlightStyle: t.StyleProps
[docs]class ExportParams(t.Params): findParams: FindFlurstueckParams groups: t.List[str]
[docs]class ExportResponse(t.Response): content: str mime: str
## _dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) _DEFAULT_FEATURE_TEMPLATES = [ t.Config( subject='feature.title', type='html', text='{vollnummer}', ), t.Config( subject='feature.teaser', type='html', text='Flurstück {vollnummer}', ), t.Config( subject='feature.description', type='html', path=f'{_dir}/templates/', ), ] _DEFAULT_PRINT_TEMPLATE = t.Config( type='html', path=f'{_dir}/templates/', pageWidth=210, pageHeight=297, mapWidth=100, mapHeight=100, qualityLevels=[t.TemplateQualityLevel(name='default', dpi=150)] ) _EF_DENY = 0 # no access to Eigentümer _EF_ALLOW = 1 # granted access to Eigentümer _EF_FAIL = -1 # access to Eigentümer granted, control check failed ##
[docs]class Object(gws.common.action.Object):
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self.valid: bool = False self.alkis: gws.ext.helper.alkis.Object = t.cast(gws.ext.helper.alkis.Object, self.root.find_first('gws.ext.helper.alkis')) if not self.alkis: gws.log.warn('alkissearch cannot init, alkis helper not found') return if not self.alkis.has_index: gws.log.warn('alkissearch cannot init, no alkis index') return self.valid = True self.limit: int = int(self.var('limit')) self.feature_templates: t.List[t.ITemplate] = gws.common.template.bundle(self, self.var('templates'), _DEFAULT_FEATURE_TEMPLATES) self.feature_short_templates: t.List[t.ITemplate] = [ tpl for tpl in self.feature_templates if 'description' not in tpl.subject] self.print_template = self.create_child( 'gws.ext.template', self.var('printTemplate', default=_DEFAULT_PRINT_TEMPLATE)) self.ui: UiConfig = self.var('ui') p = self.var('export') g = gws.ext.helper.alkis.util.export.DEFAULT_GROUPS if not p and self.ui.useExport: p = t.Config(groups=g) elif p: p.groups = p.groups or g self.export: gws.ext.helper.alkis.util.export.Config = p self.buchung: BuchungConfig = self.var('buchung') self.eigentuemer: EigentuemerConfig = self.var('eigentuemer') self.control_mode: bool = False self.log_table: str = '' self.control_rules: t.List[str] = [] if self.eigentuemer: self.log_table = self.eigentuemer.get('logTable') if self.eigentuemer.get('controlMode'): self.control_mode = True self.control_rules = self.eigentuemer.get('controlRules') or [] if self.log_table: with self.alkis.db.connect() as conn: if not conn.user_can('INSERT', self.log_table): raise ValueError(f'no INSERT acccess to {self.log_table!r}')
[docs] def props_for(self, user): if not self.valid: return None with_eigentuemer = self._can_read_eigentuemer(user) with_buchung = self._can_read_buchung(user) eg = {} if self.export and self._can_use_export(user): for n, g in enumerate(self.export.groups): if g.get('eigentuemer') and not with_eigentuemer: continue if g.get('buchung') and not with_buchung: continue eg[n] = g.get('title') return { 'type': self.type, 'exportGroups': eg, 'gemarkungen': self.alkis.gemarkung_list(), 'limit': self.limit, 'printTemplate': self.print_template.props, 'ui': self.ui, 'withBuchung': with_buchung, 'withControl': with_eigentuemer and self.control_mode, 'withEigentuemer': with_eigentuemer, 'withFlurnummer': self.alkis.has_flurnummer, }
[docs] def api_find_strasse(self, req: t.IRequest, p: FindStrasseParams) -> FindStrasseResponse: """Return a list of Strassen for the given Gemarkung""" self._validate_request(req, p) res = self.alkis.find_strasse(gws.ext.helper.alkis.FindStrasseQuery(p)) return FindStrasseResponse(strassen=res.strassen)
[docs] def api_find_flurstueck(self, req: t.IRequest, p: FindFlurstueckParams) -> FindFlurstueckResponse: """Perform a Flurstueck search""" self._validate_request(req, p) return self._fetch_and_format(req, p, self.feature_short_templates, self.limit, self.limit)
[docs] def api_get_details(self, req: t.IRequest, p: GetDetailsParams) -> GetDetailsResponse: """Return a Flurstueck feature with details""" self._validate_request(req, p) res = self._fetch_and_format(req, p, self.feature_templates, 1, self.limit) if not res.features: raise gws.web.error.NotFound() return GetDetailsResponse(feature=res.features[0])
[docs] def api_export(self, req: t.IRequest, p: ExportParams) -> ExportResponse: """Export Flurstueck features""" self._validate_request(req, p) fp = p.findParams fp.projectUid = p.projectUid fp.locale = p.locale res = self._fetch(req, fp) if not res.features: raise gws.web.error.NotFound() combined_rules = [] for g in sorted(int(g) for g in p.groups): combined_rules.extend(self.export.groups[g].dataModel.rules) combined_model = self.root.create_unbound_object('gws.common.model', t.Config( rules=combined_rules )) csv_bytes = gws.ext.helper.alkis.export.as_csv(self, res.features, combined_model) return ExportResponse(content=csv_bytes, mime='text/csv')
[docs] def api_print(self, req: t.IRequest, p: PrintParams) -> gws.common.printer.job.StatusResponse: """Print Flurstueck features""" self._validate_request(req, p) fp = p.findParams fp.projectUid = p.projectUid fp.locale = p.locale res = self._fetch(req, fp) if not res.features: raise gws.web.error.NotFound() pp = p.printParams pp.projectUid = p.projectUid pp.locale = p.locale pp.templateUid = self.print_template.uid pp.sections = [] for feature in res.features: center = feature.shape.centroid pp.sections.append(gws.common.printer.types.PrintSection( center=[center.x, center.y], context=feature.template_context, items=[ gws.common.printer.types.PrintItemFeatures( type='features', features=[feature.props], style=p.highlightStyle, ) ] )) job = gws.common.printer.job.start(req, pp) return gws.common.printer.job.status(job)
## def _validate_request(self, req: t.IRequest, p: t.Params): if not self.valid: raise gws.web.error.NotFound() req.require_project(p.projectUid) def _fetch_and_format(self, req, p: FindFlurstueckParams, templates: t.List[t.ITemplate], soft_limit, hard_limit) -> FindFlurstueckResponse: fprops = [] res = self._fetch(req, p, soft_limit, hard_limit) for f in res.features: f.apply_templates(templates) props = f.props del props.attributes fprops.append(props) return FindFlurstueckResponse(, features=sorted(fprops, key=lambda f: f.elements['title'])) def _fetch(self, req, p: FindFlurstueckParams, soft_limit=0, hard_limit=0) -> gws.ext.helper.alkis.FindFlurstueckResult: fq = gws.ext.helper.alkis.FindFlurstueckQuery(p) eigentuemer_flag = self._eigentuemer_flag(req, p) if eigentuemer_flag == _EF_FAIL: self._log_eigentuemer_access(req, p, is_ok=False) raise gws.web.error.BadRequest() fq.withEigentuemer = eigentuemer_flag == _EF_ALLOW fq.withBuchung = self._can_read_buchung(req.user) if p.get('shapes'): shape = gws.gis.shape.union(gws.gis.shape.from_props(s) for s in p.get('shapes')) if shape: fq.shape = shape.transformed_to( if soft_limit: fq.limit = soft_limit res = self.alkis.find_flurstueck(fq) gws.log.debug(f'FS_SEARCH ef={eigentuemer_flag} query={p!r} total={!r} len={len(res.features)}') if hard_limit and > hard_limit: raise gws.web.error.Conflict() project = req.require_project(p.projectUid) crs = p.get('crs') or for f in res.features: f.transform_to(crs) f.attributes.append(t.Attribute(name='is_guest_user', value=req.user.is_guest)) if fq.withEigentuemer: self._log_eigentuemer_access(req, p, is_ok=True,, features=res.features) return res def _eigentuemer_flag(self, req: t.IRequest, p: FindFlurstueckParams): if not self._can_read_eigentuemer(req.user): return _EF_DENY if not self.control_mode: return _EF_ALLOW if not p.wantEigentuemer: return _EF_DENY r = self._check_control_input(p.controlInput) gws.log.debug(f'controlInput={p.controlInput!r} result={r!r}') if not r: return _EF_FAIL return _EF_ALLOW _log_eigentuemer_access_params = ['fsUids', 'bblatt', 'vorname', 'name'] def _log_eigentuemer_access(self, req: t.IRequest, p: FindFlurstueckParams, is_ok, total=0, features=None): if not self.log_table: gws.log.debug('_log_eigentuemer_access', is_ok, 'no log table!') return has_relevant_params = any(p.get(s) for s in self._log_eigentuemer_access_params) if is_ok and not has_relevant_params: gws.log.debug('_log_eigentuemer_access', is_ok, 'no relevant params!') return fs_ids = '' if features: fs_ids = ','.join(f.uid for f in features) data = { 'app_name': 'gws', 'date_time':, 'ip': req.env('REMOTE_ADDR', ''), 'login': req.user.uid, 'user_name': req.user.display_name, 'control_input': (p.controlInput or '').strip(), 'control_result': 1 if is_ok else 0, 'fs_count': total, 'fs_ids': fs_ids } with self.alkis.connect() as conn: conn.insert_one(self.log_table, 'id', data) gws.log.debug('_log_eigentuemer_access', is_ok, 'ok') def _check_control_input(self, inp): if not self.control_rules: return True inp = (inp or '').strip() for rule in self.control_rules: if, inp): return True return False def _can_read_eigentuemer(self, user: t.IUser): b = user.can_use(self.eigentuemer) gws.log.debug(f'_can_read_eigentuemer user={user.fid!r} res={b}') return b def _can_read_buchung(self, user: t.IUser): b = user.can_use(self.buchung) gws.log.debug(f'_can_read_buchung user={user.fid!r} res={b}') return b def _can_use_export(self, user: t.IUser): return user.can_use(self.export, parent=self)