Source code for gws.core.log

"""Logging facility"""

import codecs
import logging
import logging.config
import sys

import gws.types as t

from . import error as err
from . import util

_gws_logger_name = 'gws'

[docs]class Level(t.Enum): CRITICAL = 50 ERROR = 40 WARN = 30 INFO = 20 DEBUG = 10 NOTSET = 0 ALL = 0
# borrowed from # added support for skip_frames, and avoid the costly caller lookup unless debugging class _Logger(logging.Logger): def exception(self, msg='', *args, **kwargs): s = err.string() if msg: s = msg + ':\n' + s for k in s.split('\n'): self.fatal(k, extra={'skip_frames': 1}) def _log(self, level, msg, args, exc_info=None, extra=None, stack_info=False): if _logger.disabled: return if level == logging.DEBUG and != _gws_logger_name: # disable 3rd party debug logging - there's really too much return filename, lineno, func = '', 0, '' if self.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): skip_frames = 0 try: skip_frames = extra.pop('skip_frames') except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass # lazily rely on logging to call _log directly from info/warn/debug etc # noinspection PyProtectedMember f = sys._getframe(2 + skip_frames) if f and hasattr(f, 'f_code'): co = f.f_code filename, lineno, func = (co.co_filename, f.f_lineno, co.co_name) if exc_info and not isinstance(exc_info, tuple): exc_info = sys.exc_info() record = self.makeRecord(, level, filename, lineno, msg, args, exc_info, func, extra) self.handle(record) class _Formatter(logging.Formatter): def format(self, r): try: msg = r.msg % r.args except TypeError: msg = r.msg if not isinstance(msg, str): msg = repr(msg) if r.args: msg = msg + ': ' + ' '.join(repr(a) for a in r.args) # ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(r.created)) tn = str(r.threadName or '').replace('uWSGIWorker', '').replace('Core', '/').replace('MainThread', '0') return ( str(r.process) + '/' + (tn or '') + (' %s:%d' % (r.pathname, r.lineno) if r.pathname else '') + ' ' + r.levelname + ':: ' + msg ) def _config(name): return { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { name: {'()': _Formatter} }, 'handlers': { name: { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'stream': codecs.getwriter('ascii')(sys.stdout.buffer, 'backslashreplace'), 'formatter': name, 'level': 0 } }, 'root': { 'level': 0, 'handlers': [name], }, 'loggers': { name: { 'level': 0, 'handlers': [name], 'propagate': False } } } def _init(): logging.setLoggerClass(_Logger) logging.config.dictConfig(_config(_gws_logger_name)) return logging.getLogger(_gws_logger_name) _logger = util.get_global('gws.logger', _init) fatal = _logger.fatal warn = _logger.warn info = error = _logger.error exception = _logger.exception debug = _logger.debug _levels = { 'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR, 'WARN': logging.WARNING, 'WARNING': logging.WARNING, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'NOTSET': logging.NOTSET, 'ALL': logging.NOTSET, }
[docs]def set_level(level): level = _levels.get(level, level or logging.WARNING) logging.disable(max(0, level - 1))
[docs]def enable(): _logger.disabled = False
[docs]def disable(): _logger.disabled = True