Source code for gws.config.parser

"""Parse and validate the main cfg and project configs"""

import json
import os
import re

import yaml

import gws
import gws.core.spec
import as chartreux
import as slon

from . import error, spec

config_path_pattern = r'\bconfig\.(py|json|yaml|cx)$'
config_function_name = 'config'

[docs]def parse(dct, type_name, source_path=''): """Parse a dictionary according to the klass spec and return a config (Data) object""" try: return spec.validator().read_value(dct, type_name, source_path) except gws.core.spec.Error as e: raise error.ParseError(*e.args)
[docs]def parse_main(path): """Read and parse the main config file""" dct, cfg_paths = _read(path) prj_configs = [] for prj_cfg in dct.pop('projects', []): for pc in _as_flat_list(prj_cfg): prj_configs.append([pc, path])'parsing main configuration...') app = parse(dct, 'gws.common.application.Config', path) app.projectPaths = app.projectPaths or [] app.projectDirs = app.projectDirs or [] prj_paths = app.projectPaths for dirname in app.projectDirs: prj_paths.extend(, config_path_pattern)) for prj_path in sorted(set(prj_paths)): prj_cfg, prj_cfg_paths = _read(prj_path) cfg_paths.extend(prj_cfg_paths) for pc in _as_flat_list(prj_cfg): prj_configs.append([pc, prj_path]) app.projects = [] for pc, prj_path in prj_configs: uid = pc.get('uid') or pc.get('title') or '???''parsing project {uid!r}...') app.projects.append(parse(pc, 'gws.common.project.Config', prj_path)) return app, cfg_paths
def _read(path): if not os.path.isfile(path): raise error.ParseError('file not found', path, '', '') try: dct, paths = _read2(path) except Exception as e: raise error.ParseError('read error: %s' % e, path, '', '') from e _save_intermediate(path, json.dumps(dct, indent=4), 'json') return dct, paths def _read2(path): if path.endswith('.py'): mod_name = 'gws.cfg.' + gws.as_uid(path) mod =, mod_name) fn = getattr(mod, config_function_name) dct = fn() return dct, [path] if path.endswith('.json'): with open(path, encoding='utf8') as fp: dct = json.load(fp) return dct, [path] if path.endswith('.yaml'): with open(path, encoding='utf8') as fp: dct = yaml.load(fp) return dct, [path] if path.endswith('.cx'): return _parse_cx_config(path) def _parse_cx_config(path): paths = {path} def _err(exc, path, line): return _syntax_error(gws.read_file(path), repr(exc), line) def _finder(cur_path, p): if not os.path.isabs(p): d = os.path.dirname(cur_path) p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(d, p)) paths.add(p) return p try: tpl = chartreux.compile_path( path, syntax={'start': '{{', 'end': '}}'}, finder=_finder ) except chartreux.compiler.Error as e: return _syntax_error(gws.read_file(e.path), e.message, e.line) src = tpl, context={'true': True, 'false': False}, error=_err) _save_intermediate(path, src, 'slon') try: dct = slon.loads(src, as_object=True) except slon.SlonError as e: return _syntax_error(src, e.args[0], e.args[2]) return dct, list(paths) def _syntax_error(src, message, line, context=10): gws.log.error('CONFIGURATION SYNTAX ERROR') gws.log.error(message) gws.log.error('-' * 40) for n, t in enumerate(src.splitlines(), 1): if n < line - context: continue if n > line + context: break t = str(n) + ': ' + t if n == line: t = '>>>' + t gws.log.error(t) raise ValueError('syntax error') def _save_intermediate(path, txt, ext): p = d = gws.VAR_DIR + '/config' gws.write_file(f"{d}/{p['name']}.parsed.{ext}", txt) def _as_flat_list(ls): if not isinstance(ls, (list, tuple)): yield ls else: for x in ls: yield from _as_flat_list(x)