Source code for

import gws
import gws.gis.shape
import gws.common.model
import gws.common.template
import gws.types as t


[docs]class Config(t.WithTypeAndAccess): dataModel: t.Optional[gws.common.model.Config] #: feature data model defaultContext: str = '' #: default spatial context ('view' or 'map') templates: t.Optional[t.List[t.ext.template.Config]] #: feature formatting templates tolerance: str = '10px' #: tolerance, in pixels or map units withGeometry: bool = True #: enable geometry search withKeyword: bool = True #: enable keyword search
CAPS_KEYWORD = 1 << 0 CAPS_GEOMETRY = 1 << 1 CAPS_FILTER = 1 << 2 #:export ISearchProvider
[docs]class Object(gws.Object, t.ISearchProvider):
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self.capabilties = 0 # must be a sum of CAPS flags # `active` will be False for automatic search providers that failed to initialize # @TODO remove inactive prodivers from the tree = True p = self.var('dataModel') self.data_model: t.Optional[t.IModel] = self.create_child('gws.common.model', p) if p else None self.templates: t.List[t.ITemplate] = gws.common.template.bundle(self, self.var('templates')) p = self.var('tolerance') self.tolerance: t.Measurement = (, units=['px', 'm'], default='px') if p else (_DEFAULT_PIXEL_TOLERANCE, 'px')) self.with_keyword: bool = self.var('withKeyword', default=True) self.with_geometry: bool = self.var('withGeometry', default=True)
[docs] def can_run(self, args: t.SearchArgs): if not return False if args.keyword: if not (CAPS_KEYWORD & self.capabilties) or not self.with_keyword: return False geom = args.bounds or args.shapes if geom: if not (CAPS_GEOMETRY & self.capabilties) or not self.with_geometry: return False if args.filter: if not (CAPS_GEOMETRY & self.capabilties): return False return bool(args.keyword or geom or args.filter)
[docs] def context_shape(self, args: t.SearchArgs) -> t.IShape: if args.get('shapes'): return gws.gis.shape.union(args.shapes) ctx = self.var('defaultContext') if ctx == 'view' and args.bounds: return gws.gis.shape.from_bounds(args.bounds) return gws.gis.shape.from_bounds(
[docs] def run(self, layer: t.ILayer, args: t.SearchArgs) -> t.List[t.IFeature]: return []