Source code for gws.common.ows.provider.parseutil

import re
import gws
import gws.common.ows.provider
import gws.gis.proj
import as xml2
import gws.types as t

[docs]def get_operations(el): if _is(el, 'OperationsMetadata'): ops = el.all('Operation') elif _is(el, 'Capability'): ops = el.first('Request').all() else: return {} ls = [] for e in ops: op = t.OwsOperation() = e.attr('name') or op.formats = text_list(e, 'Format') op.get_url = get_url(one_of(e, 'DCP.HTTP.Get', 'DCPType.HTTP.Get')) op.post_url = get_url(one_of(e, 'DCP.HTTP.Post', 'DCPType.HTTP.Post')) op.parameters = { p.attr('name'): text_list(p, 'Value') for p in e.all('Parameter') } ls.append(op) return ls
[docs]def get_meta(el): if not el: return {} d = { 'abstract': compact_ws(el.get_text('Abstract')), 'access_constraints': check_none(el.get_text('AccessConstraints')), 'attribution': compact_ws(el.get_text('Attribution.Title')), 'fees': check_none(el.get_text('Fees')), 'keywords': text_list(el, 'Keywords.Keyword') or text_list(el, 'KeywordList.Keyword'), 'name': compact_ws(el.get_text('Name') or el.get_text('Identifier')), 'title': compact_ws(el.get_text('Title')), 'url': get_url(el.first('MetadataURL')), } return d
[docs]def get_meta_contact(el): if not _is(el, 'ContactInformation', 'ServiceProvider'): return {} texts = extract_text_rec(el) d = {} for k, v in _contact_mapping: v = texts.get(v) if v: d[k] = v return d
[docs]def get_bounds_list(el): if not el: return {} d = {} for e in el.all('BoundingBox'): crs = e.attr('srs') or e.attr('crs') if crs: proj = gws.gis.proj.as_proj(crs) if proj: d[proj.epsg] = _bbox_value(e) if gws.EPSG_4326 not in d: for tag in 'WGS84BoundingBox', 'EX_GeographicBoundingBox', 'LatLonBoundingBox': e = el.first(tag) if e: d[gws.EPSG_4326] = _bbox_value(e) break return [t.Bounds(crs=k, extent=v) for k, v in d.items()]
[docs]def get_style(el): oo = t.SourceStyle() oo.meta = t.MetaData(get_meta(el)) = oo.legend = get_url(el.first('LegendURL')) oo.is_default = ( el.get_text('Identifier').lower() == 'default' or el.attr('IsDefault') == 'true' or == 'default') return oo
[docs]def default_style(styles): for s in styles: if s.is_default: return s return styles[0] if styles else None
[docs]def get_url(el): if not el: return '' # el can be HTTP.Get or HTTP.Post or similar p = el.attr('href') or el.attr('onlineResource') if p: return as_url(p) e = el.first('OnlineResource') if e: return as_url(e.attr('href') or e.text) return ''
[docs]def one_of(el, *tags): for tag in tags: e = el.first(tag) if e: return e
[docs]def flatten_source_layers(layers): def _collect(ls, res, parent_path, level): for sl in ls: if not sl: continue sl.a_uid = gws.as_uid( or sl.meta.title) sl.a_path = parent_path + '/' + sl.a_uid sl.a_level = level res.append(sl) if sl.layers: _collect(sl.layers, res, sl.a_path, level + 1) return res return _collect(layers, [], '', 1)
[docs]def extract_text_rec(el): if not el: return {} d = {} if el.text and not d.get( d[] = el.text for e in el.all(): d.update(extract_text_rec(e)) return d
[docs]def text_list(el, path): return gws.compact(e.text.strip() for e in el.all(path))
[docs]def check_none(s): return '' if s.lower() == 'none' else s
[docs]def compact_ws(s): return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s).strip()
[docs]def as_url(s): return (s or '').strip(' ?&')
[docs]def as_float(s, default=0.0): return float(s or default)
[docs]def as_int(s, default=0): # accept floats as well, but convert to int return int(float(s or default))
[docs]def as_float_pair(s): s = s.split() return float(s[0]), float(s[1])
_contact_mapping = [ # wms ('area', 'StateOrProvince'), ('city', 'City'), ('country', 'Country'), ('email', 'ContactElectronicMailAddress'), ('fax', 'ContactFacsimileTelephone'), ('organization', 'ContactOrganization'), ('person', 'ContactPerson'), ('phone', 'ContactVoiceTelephone'), ('position', 'ContactPosition'), ('zip', 'PostCode'), # ows ('area', 'AdministrativeArea'), ('city', 'City'), ('country', 'Country'), ('email', 'ElectronicMailAddress'), ('fax', 'Facsimile'), ('organization', 'ProviderName'), ('person', 'IndividualName'), ('phone', 'Voice'), ('position', 'PositionName'), ('zip', 'PostalCode'), ] # note: bboxes are always converted to (x1, y1, x2, y2) with x1 < x2, y1 < y2 def _bbox_value(el): # <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-71.63" miny="41.75" maxx="-70.78" maxy="42.90"/> if el.attr('minx'): return [ as_float(el.attr('minx')), as_float(el.attr('miny')), as_float(el.attr('maxx')), as_float(el.attr('maxy')), ] # <ows:BoundingBox> # <ows:LowerCorner>-20037508.3427892 -20037508.3427892</ows:LowerCorner> # <ows:UpperCorner>-20037508.3427892 20037508.3427892</ows:UpperCorner> # </ows:BoundingBox> if el.get('LowerCorner'): x1, y1 = as_float_pair(el.get_text('LowerCorner')) x2, y2 = as_float_pair(el.get_text('UpperCorner')) return [ min(x1, x2), min(y1, y2), max(x1, x2), max(y1, y2), ] # <EX_GeographicBoundingBox> # <westBoundLongitude>-71.63</westBoundLongitude> # <eastBoundLongitude>-70.78</eastBoundLongitude> # <southBoundLatitude>41.75</southBoundLatitude> # <northBoundLatitude>42.90</northBoundLatitude> # </EX_GeographicBoundingBox> if el.get('westBoundLongitude'): x1 = as_float(el.get_text('eastBoundLongitude')), y1 = as_float(el.get_text('southBoundLatitude')), x2 = as_float(el.get_text('westBoundLongitude')), y2 = as_float(el.get_text('northBoundLatitude')), return [ min(x1, x2), min(y1, y2), max(x1, x2), max(y1, y2), ] def _is(el, *names): if not isinstance(el, xml2.Element): return False return any( == n.lower() for n in names)