Source code for gws.common.application

"""Core application object"""

import gws

import gws.common.api
import gws.common.auth
import gws.common.client
import gws.common.layer
import gws.common.metadata
import gws.common.project
import gws.common.template
import gws.gis.zoom
import gws.qgis.server
import gws.server.monitor
import gws.server.types

import gws.types as t

[docs]class DbConfig(t.Config): """Database configuration""" providers: t.List[t.ext.db.provider.Config]
[docs]class SeedingConfig(t.Config): """Seeding options""" maxTime: t.Duration = 600 #: max. time for a seeding job concurrency: int = 1 #: number of concurrent seeding jobs
[docs]class FontConfig(t.Config): """Fonts configuration.""" dir: t.DirPath #: directory with custom fonts
[docs]class SSLConfig(t.Config): """SSL configuration""" crt: t.FilePath #: crt file location key: t.FilePath #: key file location
[docs]class WebConfig(t.Config): """Web server configuration""" sites: t.Optional[t.List[]] #: configured sites ssl: t.Optional[SSLConfig] #: ssl configuration
[docs]class Config(t.WithAccess): """Application configuration""" api: t.Optional[gws.common.api.Config] #: system-wide server actions auth: t.Optional[gws.common.auth.Config] #: authorization methods and options client: t.Optional[gws.common.client.Config] #: gws client configuration developer: t.Optional[dict] #: developer options db: t.Optional[DbConfig] #: database configuration fonts: t.Optional[FontConfig] #: fonts configuration meta: t.Optional[gws.common.metadata.Config] = {} #: application metadata locales: t.Optional[t.List[str]] #: default locales for all projects projectDirs: t.Optional[t.List[t.DirPath]] #: directories with additional projects projectPaths: t.Optional[t.List[t.FilePath]] #: additional project paths projects: t.Optional[t.List[gws.common.project.Config]] #: project configurations seeding: SeedingConfig = {} #: configuration for seeding jobs server: t.Optional[gws.server.types.Config] = {} #: server engine options timeZone: t.Optional[str] = 'UTC' #: timezone for this server helpers: t.Optional[t.List[t.ext.helper.Config]] web: t.Optional[WebConfig] = {} #: webserver configuration
_DEFAULT_SITE = t.Data(host='*', root=t.Data(dir='/data/web')) #:export IApplication
[docs]class Object(gws.Object, t.IApplication): """Main Appilication object"""
[docs] def configure(self): super().configure() self._devopts: dict = self.var('developer') or {} if self._devopts: gws.log.warn('DEVELOPER MODE ENABLED') self.set_uid('APP') self.root.application = self self.version: str = gws.VERSION # IDEA doesn't like 'qgis.server' for some reason # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.qgis_version: str = gws.qgis.server.version()'*' * 40)'GWS version {self.version}, QGis {self.qgis_version}')'*' * 40) p = self.var('meta') self.meta: t.MetaData = gws.common.metadata.from_config(p) if p else None self.monitor: t.IMonitor = t.cast( t.IMonitor, self.create_child(gws.server.monitor.Object, self.var('server.monitor'))) self.web_sites: t.List[t.IWebSite] = [] s = self.var('fonts.dir') if s: _install_fonts(s) # NB the order of initialization is important # - db # - helpers # - auth providers # - actions, client, web # - finally, projects for p in self.var('db.providers', default=[]): self.create_child('gws.ext.db.provider', p) for p in self.var('helpers', default=[]): self.create_child('gws.ext.helper', p) self.auth: t.IAuthManager = t.cast(t.IAuthManager, self.create_child(gws.common.auth.Object, self.var('auth', default=t.Data()))) self.api: t.IApi = t.cast(t.IApi, self.create_child(gws.common.api.Object, self.var('api', default=t.Data()))) p = self.var('client') self.client: t.Optional[t.IClient] = self.create_child(gws.common.client.Object, p) if p else None p = self.var('web.sites') or [_DEFAULT_SITE] for s in p: s.ssl = True if self.var('web.ssl') else False self.web_sites.append(self.root.create_object('', s)) for p in self.var('projects'): self.create_child(gws.common.project.Object, p)
[docs] def developer_option(self, name): return self._devopts.get(name)
[docs] def find_action(self, action_type, project_uid=None): if project_uid: project = t.cast(t.IProject, self.root.find('gws.common.project', project_uid)) if project and project.api: action = project.api.actions.get(action_type) if action: gws.log.debug(f'find_action {action_type!r} found={action.uid!r} in prj={project_uid!r}') return action if self.api: action = self.api.actions.get(action_type) if action: gws.log.debug(f'find_action {action_type!r} found={action.uid!r} in app') return action
[docs] def require_helper(self, key): base = 'gws.ext.helper' p = self.root.find_first(f'{base}.{key}') if not p: cfg = self.root.validator.read_value({'type': key}, f'{base}.{key}.Config') gws.log.debug(f'created an ad-hoc helper, key={key!r} cfg={cfg!r}') p = self.create_child(base, cfg) return p
def _install_fonts(source_dir): target_dir = '/usr/local/share/fonts'['mkdir', '-p', target_dir], echo=True) for p in['cp', '-v', p, target_dir], echo=True)['fc-cache', '-fv'], echo=True)