Web Server

Web content (html files, images, downloads) in GWS is processed by the bundled NGINX, a fast and reliable web-server.

You can configure multiple sites (“virtual hosts”) in a single GBD WebSuite installation, each with its own hostname and document root.

Static files and assets

There are two types of web content: static resources and assets. Static resources are placed in a web root folder and are served as-is, without any processing. Assets are resources that require some processing on the server side before they can be served to the client.

Use-cases for static files are:

  • plain, public html pages
  • javascript and css files
  • static images

Use-cases for assets are:

  • any resource that requires authorization
  • template-based html pages
  • project-specific resources

GBD WebSuite only serves resources with known mime-types (determined by the file extension), the default set is

.css .csv .gif .html .jpeg .jpg .js .json .pdf .png .svg .ttf .xml .zip

You can redefine this list on a per-site or per-project basis.

Rewrite rules

Assets are handled by the server command assetHttpGetPath, which accepts the path parameter, and, optionally, a project unique id, so the final URL would be like this


The following rewrite rule

    "match": "^/([a-z]+)/([a-z]+)$",
    "target": "_?cmd=assetHttpGetPath&projectUid=$1&path=$2.html"

will transform this URL into simply


The match is a regular expression and the target is the final URL with {$n} placeholders, corresponding to capture groups in the regex. If the target starts with a scheme (e.g. http://), the server performs a redirect instead of rewriting.

Website configuration

A website configuration must include a hostname (hostname * marks the default site), document root and assets configurations, error page template, and, optionally, a set of URL rewriting rules.


    ## hostname

    "host": "example.org",

    ## static document root

    "root": {

        ## absolute container path to the root directory

        "dir": "/data/www-root",

        ## allowed file extensions(in addition to the default list)

        "allowMime": [".xls", ".doc"],

        ## disabled file extensions(from the default list)

        "denyMime": [".xml", ".json"],


    ## assets root

    "assets": {

        ## absolute container path to the site assets directory

        "dir": "/data/www-assets",


    ## error page template

    "errorPage": {
        "type": "html",
        "path": "/data/error/template.html"

    ## rewrite rules

    "rewrite": [

            "match": "^/$",
            "target": "_?cmd=assetHttpGetPath&path=root-page.html"
            "match": "^/hello/([a-z]+)$",
            "target": "_?cmd=assetHttpGetPath&projectUid=hello_project&path=$1.html"

Project assets

Each GBD WebSuite project can have its own assets root configured. When the GBD WebSuite client requests an asset without a project uid, like


then the asset is looked for in the site assets directory. If a request comes with a project uid


then the asset is first looked for in project assets, if it’s not found, the site assets directory is used as a fallback.

HTML Templates

GWS uses its own templating engine, which supports the following basic commands:

@if <condition> ... @end Check a condition
@each <object> as <key>, <value> ... @end Iterate a key-value object
@include <path> Include another template

Property values can be inserted with an {object.property} construct, with optional filters, e.g. {{object.property | html}}.

Here’s an example of a feature formatting template

@if feature.category
    <p class="head">{feature.category | html}</p>

@if feature.title
    <p class="head2">{feature.title | html}</p>


    @each feature.attributes as name, value
            <th>{name | html}</th>
            <td>{value | html | nl2br | linkify(target="_blank", cut=30)}</td>


Error page template

An error page template has access to the error code in the error variable. You can the @if command to provide different content, depending on the error


@if error == 404
    Resource not found
@elif error == 403
    Access denied
    Error {error} has occured

SSL configuration

SSL can configured under web.ssl. You have to provide paths (as visible in the container) to your certificate bundle and the private key. SSL configuration is applied to the whole server, not to individually configured sites. With SSL, your web configuration would look like this

"web": {
    "sites": [
            "host": "..."
            // site configuration as described above
            "host": "..."
            // another site configuration
    "ssl": {
        "crt": "/path/to/your-certificate-bundle.crt",
        "key": "/path/to/your-private-key.crt"

If your certificate consists of separate files (e.g. domain certificate, intermediate and root certificates) you can create the bundle by concatenating them together

cat domain.crt intermediate.crt root.crt > bundle.crt

If your certificate consists of only one password protected .pfx file you will need to extract the .crt bundle and the .key using openssl

openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.crt
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -out cert-encrypted.key
openssl rsa -in cert-encrypted.key -out cert.key

This yields the cert.crt and the cert.key files, to which you will need to provide the paths in the config as shown above. The .key is now unencrypted (otherwise the webserver would require a password everytime it starts) so take appropriate measures to protect it.