Server Actions

GBD WebSuite supports lots of different commands. In your application and project configuration you may decide which you want to use in your particular installation. Each action configuration requires at least the type property (the first word of the command name, e.g. for the command mapRenderXyz, the type will be map), and, optionally, an access block (see Authorization), telling which roles have permission to execute this action type. Some actions require additional options.

Here’s a quick overview of supported actions (see Configuration reference for configruation details).


provides interface to the German Cadastre Data (ALKIS). In particular, there are commands to search for Cadastre Parcels (Flurstücke) by their address, location, owner name etc.


handles dynamic assets (see Web Server)


handles authorization requests, like login or logout (see Authorization)


provides the backend for editing operations (like “update feature” or “delete feature”)


generates map imagery for projects and layers in different formats


handles printing


returns project description and configuration data


handles searching (see Search)