Server Test Framework

In order to run tests in GWS, you need to start a GWS container and some auxiliary containers, and run the test script in the GWS container. All test functionality is invoked via test commands.

There are two ways to run the tests:

In both cases, you can select specific tests with the --only option and provide additional pytest options. See test -h for details.

A couple of examples:

# automatic test of everything
/path/to/gws/root/ test go

# automatic test of module 'foo;
/path/to/gws/root/ test go --only foo

# start the test framework
/path/to/gws/root/ test start

# (in a new shell) run tests for 'foo'
/path/to/gws/root/ test run --only foo


The configuration for tests is in test.ini in the application root directory. If you need custom options (e.g. local directory names), create a secondary ini file with your overrides and pass it as --ini myconfig.ini.

Test files

All test files must end with, all test functions must start with test_. It is recommended to always import the test utilities library, which provides some useful shortcuts and mocks. Here is an example of a test file:

"""Testing the foo package."""

import gws
import gws.test.util as u
import as foo

def test_one():
    assert == 1

def test_two():
    with u.raises(ValueError):