
Configuration for embedded servers.

Source code: gws.server.core

Module Contents

class gws.server.core.SpoolConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

Spool server module

enabled: bool = True

The module is enabled.

threads: int = 0

Number of threads for this module.

workers: int = 4

Number of processes for this module.

jobFrequency: gws.Duration = '3'

Background jobs checking frequency.

timeout: gws.Duration = '300'

Job timeout.

class gws.server.core.WebConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

Web server module

enabled: bool = True

The module is enabled.

threads: int = 0

Number of threads for this module.

workers: int = 4

Number of processes for this module.

maxRequestLength: int = 10

Max request length in megabytes.

timeout: gws.Duration = '60'

Web server timeout.

class gws.server.core.MapproxyConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

Mapproxy server module

enabled: bool = True

The module is enabled.

threads: int = 0

Number of threads for this module.

workers: int = 4

Number of processes for this module.

host: str = 'localhost'

Host to run the module on.

port: int = 5000

Port number.

forceStart: bool = False

Start even if no configuration is defined.

class gws.server.core.MonitorConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

Object configuration.

enabled: bool = True

The module is enabled.

frequency: gws.Duration = '30'

Filesystem changes check frequency.

ignore: list[gws.Regex] | None

Ignore paths that match these regexes.

class gws.server.core.QgisConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

QGIS server config

host: str = 'qgis'

Host where the qgis server runs.

port: int = 80

Port number.

class gws.server.core.LogConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

Logging configuration

path: str = ''

Log path.

level: Literal[ERROR, INFO, DEBUG] = 'INFO'

Logging level.

class gws.server.core.Config(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

Server module configuration

mapproxy: MapproxyConfig | None

Bundled Mapproxy module.

monitor: MonitorConfig | None

Monitor configuration.

log: LogConfig | None

Logging configuration.

qgis: QgisConfig | None

Qgis server configuration.

spool: SpoolConfig | None

Spool server module.

web: WebConfig | None

Web server module.

templates: list[gws.ext.config.template] | None

Configuration templates.

autoRun: str = ''

Shell command to run before server start.

timeout: gws.Duration = '60'

Server timeout.

timeZone: str = 'UTC'

Timezone for this server.