
Intl and localization tools.

Source code: gws.lib.intl

Package Contents

gws.lib.intl.locale(locale_uid: str) gws.Locale | None

Creates a locale object with formatting information about date, time and numbers.


locale_uid – ID in the format language_territory e.g. de_DE, or de.


Formatting information for that area.

gws.lib.intl.bibliographic_name(language: str) str

Country abbreviation for a given language


language – 2 letter abbreviation for a language.


ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for the language’s country.

class gws.lib.intl.DateFormatter(locale_uid)
property short

Returns the date in a short format with respect to the locale date format

property medium

Returns the date in a medium format with respect to the locale date format

property long

Returns the date in a long format with respect to the locale date format

property iso

Returns the time and date in the ISO 8601 format.

format(fmt: gws.DateTimeFormatType, date=None)
class gws.lib.intl.TimeFormatter(locale_uid)
property short

Returns the time in a short format with respect to the locale time format

property medium

Returns the time in a medium format with respect to the locale time format

property long

Returns the time in a long format with respect to the locale time format

property iso

Returns the time and date in the ISO 8601 format.

format(fmt: gws.DateTimeFormatType, time=None) str
class gws.lib.intl.NumberFormatter(locale_uid)

Bases: gws.NumberFormatter

Used for number formatting

format(fmt, n, *args, **kwargs)

Formats the number with respect to the locale.

  • fmt – Format type or a python format string

  • n – Number.

  • kwargs – Passes the currency parameter forward.


A formatted number.

decimal(n, *args, **kwargs)
grouped(n, *args, **kwargs)
currency(n, *args, **kwargs)
percent(n, *args, **kwargs)
gws.lib.intl.date_formatter(locale_uid) DateFormatter

Creates a DateFormatter if there is no other instance of that class to the same locale_uid.


locale_uid – ID in the format language_territory e.g. de_DE.


DateFormatter object.

gws.lib.intl.time_formatter(locale_uid) TimeFormatter

Creates a TimeFormatter if there is no other instance of that class to the same locale_uid.


locale_uid – ID in the format language_territory e.g. de_DE.


TimeFormatter object.

gws.lib.intl.number_formatter(locale_uid) NumberFormatter

Creates a NumberFormatter if there is no other instance of that class to the same locale_uid.


locale_uid – ID in the format language_territory e.g. de_DE.


NumberFormatter object.