
Command-line cache commands.

Source code: gws.gis.cache.cli

Module Contents

class gws.gis.cache.cli.StatusParams(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.CliParams

CLI params

layer: list[str] | None

list of layer IDs

class gws.gis.cache.cli.DropParams(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.CliParams

CLI params

layer: list[str] | None

list of layer IDs

class gws.gis.cache.cli.SeedParams(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.CliParams

CLI params

layer: list[str]

list of layer IDs

levels: list[int]

zoom levels to build the cache for

class gws.gis.cache.cli.Object

Bases: gws.Node

Configurable GWS object.

do_status(p: StatusParams)

Display the cache status.

do_cleanup(p: gws.CliParams)

Remove stale cache dirs.

do_drop(p: DropParams)

Remove active cache dirs.